INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION © IEC:2007 PC118 WG1 Draft Framework China PC 118/WG1 Meeting, , Santa Clara
2 Contents TR Part1-Overview TR Part2-Information Model TR Part3-Information Exchange Model TR Part4-Communication Mapping TR Part5 and TR Part6 (TBD) PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
33 Consensus on the Work Products for WG1 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara Scope of User? Entity that consumes electricity supplied by the electric grid A “user” might be a home, a vehicle, a commercial building, an industrial facility, etc. A “user” may also be an aggregator U.S. : Discussion Paper for Establishing Consensus on the Work Products for WG1
44 Consensus on the Work Products for WG1 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara Scope of User Interface? A “user interface” is a means to exchange information between the electric grid energy supplier and the user to achieve one or more of several objectives
55 Consensus on the Work Products for WG1 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara What Functionality Should the User Interface Enable? Convey price information Enable market transactions Convey demand response requests Convey forward power usage projections Convey requests for ancillary services Take direct load control actions Enable energy efficiency analysis …
66 Consensus on the Work Products for WG1 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara Architectural Consideration for a User Interface Suitable for interaction with many different kinds of users with varying local abilities and constraints Must be based on specific communication exchanges that do not depend on the details of how the user implements a response
77 Consensus on the Work Products for WG1 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara Existing Standards Any standard developed by PC 118 WG 1 must respect and be compatible with existing standards and their future evolution
PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 8 This part describes the definitions, terms, requirements, system architecture and use cases (as an appendix) as the basis for the other parts of TR. The main content of Part1 includes TR map, Requirements , Actors , System Architecture and Interface Description. TR Part1-Overview
PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 9 PC118/WG1 TR can be divided into 3 hierarchical layers. The top layer can be sub sectioned to Overview, Information Model, Information Exchange Model, etc.; the second layer can be continuesely sub sectioned. Definitions and TR map TR Part1-Overview TR Map
10 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 6.1 Basic Requirements a)Convey price information b)Enable market transactions c)Convey demand response requests d)Convey forward power usage projections e)Convey requests for ancillary services f)Take direct load control actions g)Enable energy efficiency analysis h)Enable monitoring power quality i)Convey user information j)Convey and respond user requests k)… This clause regulates the requirements of architecture design and modeling construction for Smart Grid User Interface, including requirements of function, communication, performance, security, system installation and configuration, maintenance, etc. TR Part1-Overview Requirements
11 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 6.2 Other Requirements a)Requirement for direct control from grid side b)Enable Plug and Play application as much as possible c)Schedule Considerations d)….. TR Part1-Overview Requirements
12 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara NameType EMSSystem DEMSSystem AMI-ENTSystem Energy SupplierOrganization ESCOOrganization … NameType Micro-grid EMSSystem HEMSSystem BEMSSystem FEMSSystem CEMSSystem Smart meterEquipment … This part identifies the roles involved in the system, including organization, person, system, equipment, etc. 7.1 Grid-side actors 7.2 User-side actors TR Part1-Overview Major Actors
13 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara This part presents the category logic and classification of the smart equipment on user side. Some factors have to be taken into consideration for the classification. There could be different classification, for example: according to user type, equipment can be categorized to residential, commercial and industrial; according to function, equipment can be categorized to load, generator, meter etc.; according to adjustability, equipment can be categorized to adjustable and un-adjustable load equipment. 7.3 User Side Equipment Category TR Part1-Overview Major Actors
14 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 8.1 Architecture Consideration This sub-clause describes the nature of the smart grid user interface and the hierarchical communication relationships between different actors. The design of the architecture needs a comprehensive consideration of compatibility of legacy system, functionality, information communication, security, etc. TR Part1-Overview System Architecture Consideration
15 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 8.1 Architecture Consideration smart meter, public communication gateway, utility gateway and other gateways realize the effective and secure information communication between user and grid. various customer energy management systems realize efficient monitoring and management of energy and smart equipment on user side, based on the analysis of conveyed information from grid side; on the other hand, aggregate the user side information, to realize the effective interaction between user and grid. TR Part1-Overview System Architecture Consideration
PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara Description and Category of Related Standards This sub-clause presents the description and taxonomy of the existing standards from the perspective of standard-setting, objectives of standards, etc. aiming at the further identification of standards gap. TR Part1-Overview System Architecture Consideration
PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 17 The logic relationship between the 6 parts of TR is presented in the following Diagram. The first part of the TR needs to analyze the various applications and functions exchanged between grid side and customer side, in which, Demand Response is a key application. 8.3 Relationship between Parts of the Technical Report TR Part1-Overview System Architecture Consideration
PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara 18 TR Part1-Overview Appendix Use Cases on-site generation demand response electrical storage peak demand management forward power usage estimation end load monitoring (sub metering) power quality of service monitoring utilization of historical energy consumption data market interaction and price communication direct load control Smart grid user interface will support a wide range of applications and interactions, including: applications and electrical service provider interactions, e.g.: (proposed at the first PC118/WG1 meeting in Tianjin)
19 Contents TR Part1-Overview TR Part2-Information Model TR Part3-Information Exchange Model TR Part4-Communication Mapping TR Part5 and TR Part6 (TBD) PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
20 TR Part2-Information Model Need Various applications and systems exist or under development on both grid and user side, e.g. Demand Response, Direct load control etc. Information exchange is essential between different systems or applications PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara The information model enables the exchange between different applications and systems.
21 TR Part2-Information Model Function PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara The objective of establish information model is to help understand, describe and forecast the future application, by using a simple abstract express of practical entity or phenomena The information model is an abstract model, draws a full logic view of smart grid user interface, through description of object types, attributes and relationships. The information model of this TR focus on communication characteristics of user interface data and function modeling, provides an abstract expression of specific function and equipment.
22 TR Part2-Information Model Approch IEC Communication networks and systems in substations IEC Communication networks and systems in substations IEC Energy Management System Application Program Interface IEC Energy Management System Application Program Interface SAE J2293 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles SAE J2293 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles Information Model IEC Interface Standard for Mete r Reading and Control IEC Interface Standard for Mete r Reading and Control Through analysis / studying of existing related standards, especially their information model on grid side and user side, build up Information Model of PC118/WG1 TR with integration of practical requirements. PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
23 TR Part2-Information Model Content Common Information Model Extended Information Model Other Information Model PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
24 TR Part2-Information model Common Information Model 6 Common Information Model 6.1 User Information 6.2 Measurement and Metering 6.3 Load Characteristic 6.4 Control 6.5 Price 6.6 Stimulation 6.7 Environment 6.8 Display … PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
25 TR Part2-Information model Common Information Model 6 Common Information Model 6.1 User Information includes the user address, user capacity and other basicinformation, as well as user status information 6.2 Measurement and Metering describes the dynamic meter data required by various applications between grid and user side, which serves as the common meter model to describe various types of information, such as electric quantity or non- electric quantity information. PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
26 TR Part2-Information model Extended Information Model 7 Extended Information Model 7.1 Distributed Generation 7.2 Distributed Energy Storage 7.3 EV 7.4 Customer Energy Management … PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
27 Contents TR Part1-Overview TR Part2-Information Model TR Part3-Information Exchange Model TR Part4-Communication Mapping TR Part5 and TR Part6 (TBD) PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
28 TR Part3-Information Exchange Model An Information Exchange Example Example : Information exchange between EMS and Meter model USER Home EMS Meter 1:display request of power quantity 2:connection request of meter 3:answer to meter connection 4:meter data read 5:power quantity data 6:data display of power quantity 7:disconnectio n Information model PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
29 TR Part3-Information Exchange Model Complex Network on User Domain Internet Gateway 1 、 Various physical network existing on user domain Internet Ethernet WLAN PLC WSN …… 2 、 PC118/WG1 Approach Simplify the communication between models Adapt to network development Enable access to new network Shield diversity of physical network Use IEC/IEEE mature experiences as references The model using interface of GCSI and physical network to realize information exchange Network support required by Information Exchange PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
30 TR Part3-Information Exchange Model Equipment interconnect through GCSI GCSI Shield physical network Provide communication service to model, including data service, communication management service and other service PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
31 Contents TR Part1-Overview TR Part2-Information Model TR Part3-Information Exchange Model TR Part4-Communication Mapping TR Part5 and TR Part6 (TBD) PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
32 TR Part4-Communication mapping Mapping from GCSI to physical network GCSI Start research on how to adapt various physical network and protocols, including TCP 、 UDP 、 Ethernet 、 WIA 、 Zigbee 、 PLC 、 …… PC 118/WG2 meeting, , Santa Clara 32 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
33 TR Part4-Communication Mapping Mapping Example Mapping to TCP ? Mapping to Zigbee ? Mapping to WIFI ? PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
34 Contents TR Part1-Overview TR Part2-Information Model TR Part3-Information Exchange Model TR Part4-Communication Mapping TR Part5 and TR Part6 (TBD) PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara
35 TR Part5 and Part6 (TBD) PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara IEC/TRxxxx-5 : Smart Grid User Interface—Security and Privacy IEC/TRxxxx-6 : Smart Grid User Interface –Test and Certification The importance of these parts rely on the development of existing standards, leave to discussion.
Thanks for your attention 36 PC 118/WG1 meeting, , Santa Clara