William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Bio April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616 Lived: Stratford – on – Avon His father was a tanner/glove-maker Anne Hathaway was his wife He wrote sonnets – 14 line poems with a rhyming scheme Was an actor in Lord Chamberlain’s Men
Well-known Facts about Will Great writer of England Plays translated into all languages, musicals, ballets Born Stratford-upon-Avon Well-to-do, affluent while alive Most quoted, other than the Bible
Lesser-known Facts Teen father: married pregnant 26 year old Anne Hathaway when he was 18 Deadbeat dad: Left wife and children for London stage career Father of twins
Conditions in London-BAD! Thames River polluted with raw sewage Trees used up for fuel Poverty
Personal hygiene/health Bathing considered dangerous Body odor strong Childhood diseases Children often died before 5 years Small Pox Bubonic Plague
Living Conditions No running water Chamber Pots Open Sewers Crowded
Clothes One set used all year long, rarely washed Underclothing slept in, infrequently changed Clothes handed down from rich to poor
Theater in London Performed in courtyards of inns The Theater-first public theater-1576 Daytime/open air Limited set design Relied on music, sound, costumes, props and great description
The Globe Theater Built in 1599 Across the Thames- “Wrong side of town” King’s Players - Shakespeare’s company Penny admission Shakespeare owned the Globe Theater
Actors All men Female parts played by young boys No actual kissing or hugging on stage
The Theater Continued Conventions are the ways things are done in theatre All actors were male in this time The performances were always in the day because there was no electricity There was no curtain – this is why people always died offstage There was no scenery Shakespeare always included a scene of comedy to break things up even in the saddest plays for those who were standing (groundlings)
The groundlings Groundlings are the people who stand in the middle of the theatre to watch the play Poor Audience members Stood around stage in “the pit” Women not allowed (had to dress up as men to attend) Threw rotten vegetables at bad performances
Queen Elizabeth Bastard daughter of King Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn (2nd of 6 wives) Henry had Ann beheaded for “treason” Younger sister of “Bloody Mary.” “Virgin Queen”? A tease and a player
Her “loving” parents