Group 1 Russian Federation, Armenia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Moldova, Tajikistan
The discussion focused on accounting and reporting reforms Russian experience of transition to accrual method is of great interest for many countries – Including analytical approach to justification of the needs in accrual method, definition of goals and objectives comprehensible for non- specialists (enhancing stability, transparency and accountability, increase the role of the state in public finance management) – Sequence of transition (defining of subjects and objects of accounting; defining, standardization of accounting and reporting rules and principles, unification of documents and processes; on-line methodological support of the reform)
Also, the majority of the countries are very interested in the activity on preparation for implementation of international accounting standards Official publication of IPSAS in Russian Draft of developed standards and respective methodological materials Methodological solutions of certain complicated technical issues (for instance, consolidation of reports) Interesting possibilities for cooperation between countries in development of methodological solutions of other complicated issues (Ukraine - Russia– Kazakhstan?)
… as well as Approach to budget classification and chart of accounts integration Standardization of public institutions’ reporting Accounting of revenues by the administrator on accrual basis Mandatory aggregation level required by the MoF Possibility for accounting centralization once future integrated information system is implemented
Other interesting aspects of the reforms Budget users (in future – renunciation from guaranteed budget financing, transition to market-based principles in public services Unified portal for public procurements (though integration with the treasury system is still to be implemented) Elements of performance-based financial motivation system used in the treasury