Middle Leaders’ Role in School Self-Evaluation Rigorous self-evaluation is vital in sustaining and developing pupils’ learning. Every HOD/HOZ should shape for themselves a process that is simple and integrated into their management systems. The middle leaders’ role is to contribute to the evidence, comments and judgements needed for their area of responsibility. The evidence needs to be accurate and diagnostic. It must measure the IMPACT and what needs to be tackled to improve.
Ofsted’s View of Effective Subject Areas There is a systematic approach to monitoring teaching and learning. Departments evaluate regularly and pupil progress is routinely analysed. There are clear lines of accountability and the structures are transparent, understood and implemented. Senior Leaders support departments with planning, training and observation. Underperformance is tackled promptly and rigorously.
How Well Are We Doing? How Can We Do Better? Do the SLT ask the Subject Leaders to report on their M & E practices each term? How rigorous and strong are the monitoring and evaluation systems and structures? Is there a regular and systematic approach to M&E by Subjects Leaders? Are there regular opportunities between subject and Year Leaders to ensure the evidence of the quality of Teaching and Learning?
Monitoring Tools Lesson Observation Learning walks Pupil Interviews Pupil work scrutiny Staff interviews (Teaching performance over time) Performance Management Questionnaire Dpt. Training /Staff Inset SLT strategic review Outcome results Value Added / Progress 8 measures, Examination Results
Expectations Each term HOD’s: Observe Lessons Scrutinise students’ work Meet with staff to discuss Performance Management Targets Produce summary report for SLT Meet with SLT to discuss key issues and draw up action plans.
A Simple Model