Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel: Realizing the Potential of Response to Intervention (RTI) Georgia Department of Education in partnership with the Student Support Team Association for Georgia Educators (SSTAGE)
Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel: Realizing the Potential of RTI Georgia’s Pyramid of Interventions RTI- Response to Intervention
Georgia’s Promising Practices in RTI is one of a five part series which includes Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel Discussion and four teams representing the 2012 SSTAGE STAR Award winning system, elementary, middle and high school for Promising Practices in RTI.
Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel Panel Members Dr. Joseph (Jody) C. Barrow, Jr., Superintendent, Ware County Dr. Brian Campbell, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Lincoln County Dr. Craig Lockhart, Principal, Newton High School Dr. Lakshmi Sankar, Director of Exceptional Education, Troup County Dr. Paula Freer, Georgia Department of Education, RTI, SST, Psychological Services Contact
Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel: Realizing the Potential of RTI Change is a messy, multi-dimensional, dynamic process. How do leaders transform a vision into an effective school improvement effort while ensuring buy-in from school staff and other leaders in the school system?
Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel: Realizing the Potential of RTI A panel of school and district leaders will discuss how they made the vision of school improvement a practical reality through the RTI/Georgia Pyramid of Interventions framework.
Guiding Questions How has RTI and the Georgia Pyramid of Interventions framework helped move your schools and system towards successful and aligned school improvement?
Guiding Questions How are the major components of RTI and the Georgia Pyramid of Interventions important to building a framework for positive and authentic, change? Leadership Collaborative Problem-Solving Assessment and Progress Monitoring Instruction and Research-Based Interventions Professional Learning Family/Community Partnerships
Guiding Questions If your system is implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an RTI behavioral framework, how does this transform school culture/climate, improve instruction, and help reduce discipline issues?
Guiding Questions How has RTI improved achievement and outcomes for all students?
Guiding Questions Critical RTI implementation issues: ◦Barriers ◦Developing solutions ◦Lessons learned ◦Next steps
Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel: Realizing the Potential of RTI THANK YOU!
Dr. Joseph (Jody) C. Barrow, Jr., Superintendent, Ware County Dr. Brian Campbell, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Lincoln County Dr. Craig Lockhart, Principal, Newton High School Dr. Lakshmi Sankar, Director of Exceptional Education, Troup County Dr. Paula Freer, Georgia Department of Education, RTI, SST, Psychological Services Contact