Continuous Improvement Monitoring (CIM) Collaborative Partner Forum Awareness Session June 2015
The Annual Monitoring Process Review was initiated to address the following areas of concern: perceived as burdensome, time consuming and not adding the value retrospective and reactive in its orientation Focuses more on the quality assurance outcomes of the previous academic year than quality enhancement for the coming academic year. The timing of reporting to the University’s central committees is too late The proposal reflects actions associated with Ambition 5 of the Academic Strategy, 'Achieving a Consistent Focus on Enhancement’ The Need for Change
What are the characteristics of CIM? The new process should: Combine QA and QE Be relevant and responsive Be transparent, accessible and evidence based Enable the university to maintain oversight Include regular School/Institute based ‘academic health check’ points Make timely and effective use of a wide range of existing data inputs Build throughout the year as an overall continuous improvement action plan and summary of good practice Focus on identification and dissemination of GP and provide enhancement opportunities
How - the Revised Approach Principles underlying the approach: The Action plan and the Summary of Good Practice will become the focus of the process. Underpinned by an evidence base, stored on SharePoint. SharePoint will provide transparency Data inputs reviewed and actioned by course teams as they become available. Summary Good Practice CIM Action Log Evidence Store SharePoint
Oversight Action Plan Boards of Study School or Institute ‘AHC’ meetings FASQC ASQC LTC Academic Board
Evidence Store - The Data Inputs Data SourceProposed Process AMR For this year only Faculty Admin with upload the 13/14 AMR Reports/Action Plans External Examiners Reports Uploaded by Quality and Standards to course folders Module Evaluation Uploaded by Faculty Admin Teams/course administrators DHLE Data Careers Team will produce school reports and upload to the school folders within the evidence store. CIM Site will also include a link to the DHLE site. Course Statistics F&P will continue to produce course statistics and make them available on the Course Statistics SharePoint site. The CIM site will include a link to the Course Statistics site. Course Leaders can use their Course Stats folder to upload any additional analysis produced or extracted from the main reports. NSS Data Marketing will continue to produce the school reports and upload them to the school folder within the evidence store. Course Board Minutes Uploaded by Faculty Admin Teams/course administrator
The Pilot - What have we learned? A number of Course Leaders transferred outcomes from 2013/14 AMR to Action Plan templates What worked well? Simple data entry process Flexible filtering What worked less well? Duplication when inputting What needs to be added/tweaked/developed further? Discuss the requests for shared Action Plans Repository for Evidence Base – Statistics, BoS minutes, EE Reports etc Reflective element Academic Health Check process and reporting mechanisms
Who – key roles Key staff roles in implementing and managing the CIM are: Course Leaders Subject Group Leaders School Reps Faculty Heads of Quality & Standards Faculty Learning & Teaching Co-ordinators Heads of School Faculty Deans Module tutors and others have responsibilities allocated via the action plan F&P, Marketing, Careers and Academic Registry will provide data sources Faculty Admin teams will upload and manage evidence store
Course Leaders a)Transfer existing AMR Action Plans to the CIM b)At the Course Board of Study, chair evidence-based discussions about issues arising agree actions required, allocate responsibilities for each action item and an appropriate time frame, monitoring mechanism and outcome c)Monitor ongoing update and maintenance of CIM Action Log d)Work with the Subject Group Leader and Course Representatives to identify items for the summary of good practice and enhancement activities for the course as part of the action planning process e)As requested - attend and engage in Academic Health Check (AHC) meetings, ensuring the outcomes are reported to the next BoS and action plans updated as necessary.
Impact of Course Boards of Study Agenda Progress on Continuous Improvement Monitoring Academic Health Check o To receive the formal feedback from the last Academic Health Check Meeting o Report on health of course o Report on any risks or areas of concern o Resolve Actions Evidence Store o To note new evidence received and reviewed since the last meeting o To consider any issues in relation to the evidence received and reviewed since the last meeting o To confirm any expected evidence that has not been received Action Log o To resolve and assign appropriate actions for addition to the Action Log
When – timing of reporting stages At three points in the year, one after each round of Boards of Study With a summary of each AHC reporting to FASQC and then to ASQC
Summary Annual Monitoring will become a continuous monitoring process. Principles underlying the approach: The Action Plan, the Summary of Good Practice will become the centre of the process. Faculty Admin Teams will maintain and support the Evidence Store Relevant data inputs will be reviewed by course teams at the time they are available and the necessary action identified. The Action Plan and Summary of Good Practice will be updated as and when actions/good practice are identified and progressed. Academic Health Check at three points in the year, one after each round of Boards of Study, with a summary of each AHC reporting to FASQC and then to ASQC.
The CIM Home Page
The CIM Action Plan
The Summary of Good Practice
The Evidence Store