Hello Common Ground Members, Thank you for your participation in the October Common Ground Convenings! Last week’s meetings saw participation from over 550 teachers, teacher leaders, principals and other school/district administrators. Your focused involvement throughout the week stands as evidence of your commitment to your role as a leader in implementing your Common Core Implementation Plan. We know this will take work and commitment from every teacher in Delaware schools. It is your leadership that will assist others in bringing the Common Core to life in every classroom for every student. Thank you for tending to your own learning needs so you can fully support your fellow educators back at your schools. Your strength and expertise is essential for the transition to the Common Core and the increased success of all Delaware student s. Issue 4 ● October 22, 2013 ● Delaware Department of Education Upcoming Webinars: ELA Elementary November 6 th 3:45-5:00pm ELA Secondary November 12 th 2:30-3:45pm Discipline-Specific Literacy November 12 th 4:00-5:15pm Math Elementary November 5 th 3:45-5:00pm Math Secondary: November 7 th 3:45-5:00pm A year-long calendar and details for each session can be found in the course catalog on the Common Ground for the Common Core Blackboard site. ELA Post-its—se e Comprehension Through Text Based Discussions, Kucan and Palinscar Content Literacy Post-its—see Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning, Doug Buehl Submissions for an Upcoming Edition: If you would like to submit a brief article or share any resources for inclusion into the newsletter spotlighting best practices occurring in your school district/school regarding Common Core implementation please send to: WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! Please complete the survey for the session you attended. The links to the survey are below (please copy and paste into your browser). October 15th- All ELA and Math Sessions October 16th- All ELA and Math Sessions October 17th- Content Literacy 9 Ways to Make the Change to the Common Core STICK ! ELA: Conduct text-based discussions to give all students access to complex text. Math: Make the 8 Common Core Math Practices live in every classroom Content Literacy: Read, write, speak, listen, and view in every classroom. Math: Use rich, problem based tasks in the classroom Math: Use formative assessments to drive the Teaching- Assessing-Learning cycle ELA: Begin every discussion plan with learning goals p. 25. ELA: Scaffold student thinking by cuing students to return to the text. Video 3.1 Content Literacy: Build and activate prior knowledge through frontloading strategies p. 53. Content Literacy: Mentor discipline- specific literacy by modeling discipline- specific questions pp
October Common Ground Convenings: Making Change Together