A Guide to Mentoring Sports Coaches – WebEx update Kurt Lindley – Development Lead Officer (Coach Developer)
Workshop Outcomes – unchanged identify important learning opportunities for coaches outline the potential roles of the mentor in the development of coaches explain how a mentor can help to maximise these learning opportunities manage the self-reflection, coach profiling and development planning processes identify the core skills of mentoring develop a personal mentor profile and development plan By the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to:
Workshop Overview Section Core ContentTime ONE Introduction Welcome workshop outcomes and format 10 minutes TWO Mentoring and Mentorship Define mentoring Role in coach learning Issues that impact 50 minutes THREE Mentoring Skills Learning theory self-reflection process core mentoring skills 60 minutes FOUR Mentoring Practice Mentoring session Coach profiling Measuring the impact 50 minutes FIVE Summary Benefits of mentoring Personal action plan 10 minutes
Get the ball rolling! (Section 2: Mentoring and Mentorship) Dragon’s Den Activity: In four groups delegates have 10 minutes to prepare a 90-second sales pitch for a mentoring programme. What is a mentor? Why do we need them (benefits)? What do mentors do (interventions)? What are the challenges and how may they be overcome?
Changing Relationships! (Section 2: Mentoring and Mentorship) paid versus unpaid (investment and expectation) voluntary versus mandated (chosen/forced) manager versus colleague (hierarchy/equality) informal versus formal (unstructured/ad hoc versus directed).
Learning Theory: cycles, styles or preferences! (Section 3: Mentoring Skills) For the purposes of this workshop, we will consider learning as an active process involving watching, doing, listening and reading If required or appropriate highlight there are many theories of learning each has its own merits Use section 6: Learning preferences, if appropriate
Have a go (Section 4: Mentoring Practice) Profiling as a tool for developing benchmarks and empathy Influences on coach profiling -Who they are (philosophy) -what they know and can do -where they work/want to work Practical activity (peer mentoring) -Goal setting (refresh) -Training Needs Analysis (online info)
To Finish..... Measuring Coaching and Mentoring performance -Built in not bolt on
Thank you Questions anyone?