LIS education: information use and new media Jela Steinerová Department of LIS, Comenius University Bratislava
University education of LIS professionals Background for new models: –European common framework EUROPEAN Curriculum Reflections on Library and Information Science Education. Ed. by Leif Kajberg, Leif Lørring. Copenhagen: The Royal School of LIS, p. Available at: –Own research, namely: human information behaviour Information use –„turn“ in information science (cognitive, interactive, relevance „revolutions“)
Information use and relevance : a research project Information Use by Information Behaviour in Education and ScienceResearch project VEGA: Information Use by Information Behaviour in Education and Science Objectives: Examine information use in information society (existing models, concepts), information behaviour in electronic environment Derive new models Apply new methodologies
Information use Complex category of LIS Type of information behaviour, active construction of meaning Practical implications (everyday information behaviour and use) Founding theories – cognitive paradigm, models of information behaviour
Relevance study The core processes between information needs and information uses –Orientation stage –Information analysis stage (intellectual process) Interaction of objective and subjective parts Interaction of cognitive and emotional
Relevance study: methods Qualitative study: interviews PhD students + MA students (science + education) (21, Faculty of Philosophy) Aims: discover perceptions of relevance, derive models and proposals for information use Naturalistic-phenomenological, phenomenographic analysis, constructivist concept, grounded theory
Relevance study: methods Semi-structured interviews Set of open questions Instructions 2 researchers (October 2005 – February 2006) Duration: minutes Recording, transcriptions, notes Analyses of transcripts: 3 researchers: 1st step: Coding (key concepts) Integration of questions Common record of 21 answers 2nd step: Content conceptual analysis Categorization Tables, semantic models
Relevance study: results Reconsideration of relevance based on results of analyses: –Active cognitive process, interaction with information in contexts, emotional experiences of discovery, finding value, learning, inspiration, self-confirmation –International Conference: Information Use in Information Society (October 2006, Bratislava) – VYUŽÍVANIE informácií v informačnej spoločnosti. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie. Bratislava, SR, októbra Information Use in Information Society. Proceedings of the International conference. Bratislava, Slovakia, Ocotber 10-11, Ed. by/Zost. J. Steinerová, J. Šušol. Bratislava: CVTI SR, s. ISBN
Relevance study: implications Differences between traditional and electronic environment: Relevance 2.0 – a new model: Interactive, intuitive, dialogic, cooperative INFORMATION SHARING Influence of new media (web behavior studies) Cognition + collaboration Implications for LIS education: broaden the scope towards information use and new media
LIS education – integration of information use Information use: how to include into LIS curricula? Integration: –Information retrieval/ information seeking/ HIB –Information literacy –Knowledge management –Knowledge organization
New relevance models Smart search (user intent, meaning) Personalized search (preferences) Domain-specific search (user community) Picture, audio, video – multimedia Mobile search Social search (interactions, social tagging) Networked objects
LIS education – integration of information use New models of curricula – impact of factors: –Electronic environment, new media, information behaviour of young people –Four basic pillars: 1. human being, 2. content, 3. institution, 4. service - 1. actor, 2. context, 3. electronic space, 4. behaviour and creativity –Integration: broaden institutional limits
A model of content broadening CONTENT PERSON user INSTITUTION, system SERVICE CONTEXT ACTOR consumer ELEC. SPACEUSE behaviour,creativity
New curricula: Information and Media studies Three lines: –Information and media studies –Literary communication –Library culture (cultural heritage) –Levels: bachelor master Main programme: Information and media studies –Core: LIS core subjects: –information resources, information seeking, information systems, information products
Information and Media Studies Added value: NEW MEDIA (internet, digital culture, digital objects, digital communication) Theory: semiotics, communication new models of information behaviour, seeking and relevance (web 2.0) Practice: skills in handling new media creation of new media products information behaviour in electronic environment
Information and Media Studies – hierarchy – blocks of courses IS th e or y information seeking and organisation INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMMUNICATION social: theory, methods electronic, MEDIA semiotic,s, theory internet, web typology, new media, production INFORMATION RESOURCES development, processing use, management
Information and Media Studies: example (Bc) Compulsory courses Information resources – use Information resources – typology Network and database systems Information seeking History of written and printed media Methods of communication Classification and indexing Development of information resources Information systems Organisation of information in electronic environment Information resources management (processing) Information processing in culture Social communication and media Copyright Multimedia production Information and media literacy Information and media products Information analysis Web page production Methodology of information and media services Introduction to information science Network information resources and media Electronic communication Information society Project management Elective courses -selection Semiotics of new media Editing and DTP Digital libraries History of publishing and book distribution Introduction to new media Creativity in information environment Management of cultural institutions and media Library organisation and management International information and media programs Standardisation and legislation Quantitative methods Information centre in an enterprise Special types of documents Marketing of publishing Language culture Stylistics of Slovak language Psychology of mass communication Mass media legislation Introduction to arts Advertising agencies Project management in culture
Information and Media Studies: example (Master) Compulsory courses: Organization of knowledge Information behaviour Database systems and information models Bibliographic communication Research methodology Knowledge management Information systems – theory and design Information architecture Theory of information science Management of information institutions Information policy Elective courses – selection Information analysis Bibliometrics and informetrics Advertising information Management theory Marketing of information services Semiotic studies Intelligent systems and retrieval Reserach in electronic communication Methodology of multimedia design and evaluation Optimalization of webpages for internet searching. Problems of information society Theory of terminology Statistics Project management Records management Management of information resources Mark-up languages
Conclusion Library education – information science education: common perspectives (information, knowledge, services) A „core“ – the model (resources, media, systems, seeking and organization, theory) Theory and research: background for education Professional practice: applications, implications of theory, products, services International perspectives: cultural differences (languages, traditions, cultural heritage, inter-cultural dialogue and cooperation)
Conclusion Information creation, communication and use in the information society: i-school curriculum Overlaps with: management (information, knowledge), cognitive sciences, IT, intelligent systems, social psychology, communication sciences Domain knowledge: information seeking and knowledge organization, concept mapping, human information behaviour, information society, information literacy, new models of digital objects: creation and use „information nirvana“: balance of information services, products, systems, information professionals, „ubiquitous links“