4th Class Orientation & Training The Citadel Experience Path to Principled Leadership Leadership Development 4-2a
4th Class Orientation & Training
4th Class Orientation & Training
Commander’s Comments Name Home town Academic Major Plans following graduation Other relevant information NOTE: Commander has opportunity to insert bullet comments on personal background (home town, Academic Major, goals following Graduation, why they came to The Citadel, etc.)
4th Class Orientation & Training The Citadel Experience – What is all about ? Since its establishment in 1842, Since its establishment in 1842, The Citadel is tradition based institution with a rich history connected to the state and the nation The Citadel is tradition based institution with a rich history connected to the state and the nation It is challenging and unique educational experience in a structured and dynamic military environment It is challenging and unique educational experience in a structured and dynamic military environment It is one of six senior military colleges in the United States that integrates ROTC instruction as part of the core education program It is one of six senior military colleges in the United States that integrates ROTC instruction as part of the core education program It is an opportunity to challenge yourself in a leadership experience as never before It is an opportunity to challenge yourself in a leadership experience as never before Most importantly – it is what you make it! Most importantly – it is what you make it!
4th Class Orientation & Training Pillars of The Citadel Experience The Citadel Experience has four developmental pillars – four areas of specific focus with requirements that cross connect and reinforce each other through a variety of programs, systems, and activities Academic Military Physical Moral Ethical
4th Class Orientation & Training The Academic Pillar Your primary duty is to perform academically. - Earn and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better - Complete prescribed credit requirements to maintain academic alignment - Attend Class - Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills -Communicate effectively in speech and writing
4th Class Orientation & Training The Military Pillar This is The Citadel’s leadership pillar. The skills developed in this pillar are applicable to both military and civilian professions. -Demonstrate personal discipline -Exhibit personal accountability for yourself and others -Become adept at leading teams towards a goal
4th Class Orientation & Training Moral Ethical Pillar This heart of this pillar is the Cadet Honor Code: “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.” Demonstrate the Core Values of: -Respect -Honor -Integrity -Moral Courage -Ethical Decision Making and Behavior
4th Class Orientation & Training Physical Effectiveness Pillar A healthy lifestyle increases mental acuity and readiness for all activities you will participate in. Includes: -Core Health, Exercise and Sport Science (HESS) Courses -Weekly Physical Training Activities -Varsity Sports and Intramural Activities -Citadel Physical Fitness Test (CPFT) -Meeting Citadel height/weight standards
4th Class Orientation & Training This graphic depicts the sequential process of leader development that is part of The Citadel Experience. Cadets grow from Followers to Leaders through their time at The Citadel
4th Class Orientation & Training Establish your Personal Goals To do well in all that The Citadel has to offer, you must develop and commit to a set of personal goals and work hard to achieve them. To do well in all that The Citadel has to offer, you must develop and commit to a set of personal goals and work hard to achieve them. Personal goals tend to be more meaningful if they contain the following characteristics: Personal goals tend to be more meaningful if they contain the following characteristics: - Specific - Measurable - Achievable
4th Class Orientation & Training Goal Setting Exercise Write down 1 personal goal for each of The Citadel’s 4 Pillars (Academic, Military, Physical, Moral) on the 3x5 card. Be ready to discuss these with your classmates.
4th Class Orientation & Training Commander Goals and Philosophy Note: Cadet commander should insert a summary of their personal goals to serve a model for the freshman Additionally they should include a short summary of their personal leadership philosophy
4th Class Orientation & Training Closing Comments Congratulations on your choice to attend The Citadel. You have a great opportunity before you! Your cadet leadership is ready to prepare you for the challenges and experiences of this year. Our job is to set you up for success in the future. Remember to keep your academic efforts as your most important priority. Take pride that you are here – be ready for the challenge!