September 24, 2013
“Although the intrinsic beauty of science and a fascination with how the world works have driven exploration and discovery for centuries, many of the challenges that face humanity now and in the future—related, for example, to the environment, energy, and health—require social, political, and economic solutions that must be informed deeply by knowledge of the underlying science and engineering.” A Framework for K-12 Science Education (2012, p. 7)
7 th and 8 th Grade Science Teacher at Warfield Middle School for 24 years. Kentucky Department of Education.
Cell phone Engagement Restrooms Being Prepared Side Conversations
I can describe my role as a teacher leader in my classroom, school, and on the district leadership team and as network participant. I can explain the structure and intent of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). I can identify the key shifts in teaching and learning necessary to effectively implement NGSS. I can reflect on my knowledge and needs as a teacher leader. I can create a plan to build capacity.
I can describe my role as a teacher leader in my classroom, school, and on the district leadership team and as a network participant.
What characteristics do you possess that make you the “right” person for the job? Use the graphic organizer to make a list of the skills, experience, training you have that make you the “right” person for leadership network.
Highlight the similarities between your list and the “right” list.
How will your teacher leader strengths, instructional strengths and content area strengths help your district team? How will you utilize the strengths of your teammates?
mega-event-featuring-republics-good-life mega-event-featuring-republics-good-life Three different words A motto Acronym
Develop skills, increase knowledge Receive materials and knowledge Develop a plan specific to their districts needs Packaged set of materials Conducted collaboratively Duplicate rather than create Long-term sustainable model for professional learning Whole group training to comply with professional development requirements
Level PLAN (What will you do with what you have learned in this network meeting? What evidence will you collect?) DO (When, where, how, with whom will you do what you have planned?) REVIEW (How did it go? What barriers did you face? What successes did you have? What evidence do you have of success?) Classroom Department/ Team/PLC School District
7/2011 – April / /2011 Phase II Phase I nce
What’s Different about the Next Generation Science Standards?
Three Dimensions Intertwined The NGSS are written as Performance Expectations NGSS will require contextual application of the three dimensions by students. Focus is on how and why as well as what nce
Performance Expectations Clarification Statement Assessment Boundary
Interactive standards online at: science-standards science-standards NSTA Richard’s Weebly NGSS App
Conceptual progressions model with middle school designations. s/next-generation-science-standards.aspx s/next-generation-science-standards.aspx
Take a few minutes to “play” with interactive standards. Time to look around inside your binder
Learning Progressions LS1-C Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms. HS LS1-7 HS LS1-6 HS LS1-5 7 LS1-7 7 LS1-6 5 LS1-1 5 PS3-1 K LS1-1
Each district team will be given a topic to investigate. (K-12) Use the progressions chart to summarize the performance expectations through the progressions. Include a summery of the content from the Disciplinary Core Ideas
Use one color to highlight what students are doing. (construct an argument, build a mathematical model) Use a second color to highlight the content progressions. 2Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow. -relationship between sunlight and plant growth Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants. -pollination and seed dispersal of plants by animals
What are the grade level “gaps” you notice?
What does that mean for classroom instruction?
What does that mean for classroom assessment?
The framework defines curriculum as: “the knowledge and practices in subject matter areas that teachers teach and that students are supposed to learn. A curriculum generally consists of a scope, or breadth of content, in a given subject area and of a sequence of concepts and activities for learning.” (p. 246) What does that mean for curriculum development?
Layout: What do you notice about the organization of the science standards? Verbs: What are the standards asking students to do? Instruction: What is the implication for instruction? Assessment: What are the implications for classroom assessment? What are some questions you have about the organization? What are some questions you have about what students are being asked to do? What are some questions you have about instruction? What are some questions you have about classroom assessment?
Level PLAN (What will you do with what you have learned in this network meeting? What evidence will you collect?) DO (When, where, how, with whom will you do what you have planned?) REVIEW (How did it go? What barriers did you face? What successes did you have? What evidence do you have of success?) Classroom Department/ Team/PLC School District
Looking at the progression activity what did you notice that was different? What shifts are we going to need to make?
Appendix A (Binder): Number off 1-7 and each person will read their numbered shift. Read the information about the shift and write a summary on your graphic organizer. Share summary of the shift with your table and complete your organizer.
generation-schools-and- districts/2013/09/speed-bumps-on-the- road-to-ngss/ generation-schools-and- districts/2013/09/speed-bumps-on-the- road-to-ngss/ Elbow Partners
What are three key ideas? What are two things I am struggling with? What is one thing that I need to take back?
Level PLAN (What will you do with what you have learned in this network meeting? What evidence will you collect?) DO (When, where, how, with whom will you do what you have planned?) REVIEW (How did it go? What barriers did you face? What successes did you have? What evidence do you have of success?) Classroom Department/ Team/PLC School District
Homework: Who is on your District Leadership Team? What is the plan to scale the Network goals? How do you fit in?
Choose today’s Most Valuable Point (MVP) What is the impact on your learning, district impact, and student learning? Tweet MVP to: #kyscinet
September, 2013
1. The Governor has stated he intends to allow the standards to go into effect notwithstanding the deficiency in ARRS; 2. LRC will soon issue a letter of deficiency to the Governor, the Governor will then most likely respond that they are in effect notwithstanding the finding of deficiency…; 3. The regulation will be most likely still be referred by LRC to the IJCE and the IJCE may or may not decide to review the regulation (and may/may not also find deficient); 4. If deficient in IJCE, the process repeats and the Governor most likely will issue another notwithstanding letter… 5. General Assembly has the option of passing a bill in the 2014 regular session to override the Governor’s implementation of the regulation.
This is the primary site for the development process and NGSS documents. OXmo7E0rkCFS1p7AodwHUAqw OXmo7E0rkCFS1p7AodwHUAqw The Concord Consortium provides online resources that align with a specific path you create by choosing a component from each of the three dimensions of the NGSS.
NSTA has compiled multiple resources for teachers as they prepare for implementation of the standards. Teachers can now access web seminars, articles from peer-reviewed journals, NSTA Press books, short courses and face-to-face conference lectures and workshops, all designed to build an understanding of the standards and provide a pathway for putting the standards into classroom instruction. You will find all these resources, and more, online at Bozemanscience is maintained by Paul Andersen, a science teacher in Bozeman, MT. He has created hundreds of science videos that have been viewed millions of times by students and teachers around the world. All of these videos are accessible from this website.
EXPLORE/PLAN resources for using your score reports Schools to receive test and accountability data Sept. 25 th (EMBARGOED) Public Release Sept. 27 th
Level PLAN (What will you do with what you have learned in this network meeting? What evidence will you collect?) DO (When, where, how, with whom will you do what you have planned?) REVIEW (How did it go? What barriers did you face? What successes did you have? What evidence do you have of success?) Classroom Department/ Team/PLC School District
Progressions within the NGSS, implications for teaching and learning as well as curriculum development. Analyze the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to understand their significance when combined with the disciplinary core ideas on student performance expectations.
Identify connections between NGSS implications for teaching and learning and the Framework for Teaching and Learning. Explore the District Innovation Configuration (IC) Maps.
Please complete the meeting evaluation. Take time to complete the questionnaire on our Weebly site.