Academics: Moataz Attallah, Hector Basoalto, Paul Bowen, Jeff Brooks, Hanshan Dong, Ian Jones, Mike Loretto, Mark Ward, Nils Warnken, Leung Soo Key Research Interests in Titanium: Friction joining (linear, rotary and stir) Laser additive manufacture (powder bed, wire deposition and blown powder). Powder netshape hot isostatic pressing processing Alloy development: experimental and modelling. Solid-state joining (HIP-DB, interlayer technology). Electron microscopy of Ti-alloys: stability and PTs. Micromechanics. Superplastic and bulk forming Machining of Ti and -Ti alloys. Surface engineering of Ti-alloys. TiNi smart structures. Support: FP7, DSTL, EPSRC, Timet, Rolls-Royce plc, BAe Systems, Messier- Bugatti-Dowty, Johnson-Matthey
Academics: Ben Britton, Fionn Dunne, David Dye, Trevor Lindley Key Research Areas: ● Micromechanics of slip and failure mechanisms ● Microcantilever, pillar and nano-indent test ● Crystal and discrete dislocation modelling ● X-ray diffraction, ESEM, High-res EBSD ● Phase transformations ● Cold dwell and fatigue ● Ultrasonics for 3D texture measurement ● High rate deformation and shear band formation Support: EPSRC, Rolls-Royce, TIMET, IMR China Imperial College London
The University of Manchester Academics: Michael Preuss, Joao Quinta da Fonseca, Philip Prangnell Key Research Interests in Titanium: Sheet forming and formability Microstructure, texture and residual stress evolution during processing including additive manufacturing Micromechanics and crystal plasticity modelling Mechanisms that determine performance of Ti alloys –In-situ characterisation during mechanical loading and corrosive environments –Strain heterogeneity characterisation –3D characterisation Hyper joining (metal to composites) Linear and inertia friction welding Support: TIMET, Otto Fuchs, Rolls-Royce, Bao Steel, Airbus, EADS, GKN DIC strain maps quantifying shear strain in slip traces X-ray tomography showing short crack propagation in lamellar microstructure Damage evolution in composite of a hyper joint recorded by x-ray tomography
The University of Sheffield Academics: Martin Jackson, Iain Todd, Brad Wynne Key Research Interests in Titanium: Solid state processing of low cost powder to sheet and wire (rolling and extrusion) One step forging of pre-formed powder billets FEM of solid state processes (extrusion & forging) Near net shape rapid manufacturing (ALM) High performance machining Friction-stir welding Texture prediction during forging Support: Timet, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, DSTL, RTi International, TWI, Metalysis, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Sandvik
Swansea University (Institute of Structural Materials) Academics: Martin Bache, Mark Whittaker, Leo Prakash, Robert Lancaster, Soran Birosca, Karen Perkins Key Research Interests in Titanium: Cold dwell sensitivity Fatigue crack growth Creep-fatigue interactions Component lifing Additive layer manufacturing / repair technologies Process – microstructure – properties (macrozones) Gamma TiAl characterisation Foreign object damage Diffusion bonding Support: Rolls-Royce (UTC in Materials & EPSRC Strategic Partnership in Gas Turbines) Timet, TWI Validation Centre (Wales)