Theory: An Explanation of how or why something occurs. Functions of a Theory: ◦ Describe ◦ Explain. ◦ Predict. ◦ Control. Classical approaches to organizational management and early organizational theories were designed to predict and control behavior in organizations. 3
Classical School Theory of Scientific Management Administrative Theory Bureaucracy Theory 4
Scientific Management Theory “Fredric Taylor” Administrative Theory “ Henri Fayol” Bureaucracy Theory “ Max Weber” 5
A theory that focused on finding the “one best way” to perform and manage task s. 6
7 Behavioral School Human Relations Theory Human Resources Theory
Human Relation Theory “ Elton Mayo” 8
Fredric Taylor : “ The father of Scientific Management” Primary focus: Tasks. Focused on the manufacturing environment. Taylor’s 4 Management Principles: ◦ Develop a science for each element of an individual's work. ◦ Scientifically select, train and develop the worker. ◦ Heartily cooperate with the workers. ◦ Divide work & responsibility equally between managers & workers. ◦ Improve production efficiency through work studies, tools, economic incentives. Determined the quickest ways to perform tasks. 9
▼ Henri Fayol: ▼ Primary focus: Management. ▼ Emphasized the flow of information and how organizations should operate. ▼ Fayol’s Elements of Management: Planning.Organizing. ◦ Command.Control. ◦ Coordination. 10
Fourteen Principles of Management (Tools for Accomplishing Objectives) ◦ Division of work ◦ Authority and Responsibility ◦ Discipline ◦ Unity of Command ◦ Unity of Direction ◦ Subordination ◦ Remuneration ◦ Centralization ◦ Scalar Chain ◦ Order ◦ Equity ◦ Stability of Tenure ◦ Initiative ◦ Esprit de Corps 11
PrincipleDescription 1.Division of workReduces the span of attention or effort for any one person or group. Develops practice and familiarity 2. AuthorityThe right to give an order. 3. DisciplineOutward marks of respect in accordance with formal or informal agreements between firm and its employees 4. Unity of commandOne man superior 5. Unity of DirectionOne head and one plan for a group of activities with the same objective 6. Subordination of individual interests to the general interestThe interests of one individual or one group should not prevail over the general good. This is a difficult area of management 7. RemunerationPay should be fair to both the employee and the firm 8. Centralizationreduce importance of subordinate’s role 9. Scalar ChainThe line of authority from top to bottom of the organization 10. Orderthe right man in the right place 11. EquityA combination of kindliness and justice towards the employees 12. Stability of tenure of personnelEmployees need to be given time to settle into their jobs. 13. InitiativeWithin the limits of authority and discipline, all levels of staff should be encouraged to show initiative 14. Esprit de CorpsHarmony is a great strength to an organization; teamwork should be encouraged 12
Max Weber Primary focus: Organizational Structure based on rational-legal authority systems described an ideal Bureaucracy as a theory of administration based on rational-legal authority systems Weber’s 6 Principles of Management: ◦ Division of labor: Organizations need to appear rational and so gain legitimacy, in order to secure resources and support, and to inspire confidence and trust. ◦ Authority hierarchy. ◦ Formal selection. ◦ Formal rules & regulations. ◦ Impersonality. ◦ Career orientation. 13
Concerned with describing the ideal structure of an organization. Cornerstone: existence of written rules. The rational application of written rules ensures the promotion of legitimate authority and the effective and efficient functioning of the organization. 14
Behavioral Theory Of Organization. Recognized employees as individuals with concrete, human needs, as parts of work groups, and as members of a larger so ciety. 15
Elton Mayo Primary focus: Human Factors (Human Relations). In order to increase Productivity: Teamwork Joint Supervision. 16