“Bringing the Personal Back…” Life is Athletic… Bring the PERSONAL back.
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Agenda: Welcome Introduction Activity – Fitness Blast Workout New Resource Information Conclusion: Why Are We Doing This?
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Welcome Introduction: George Kourtis, TDSB Linda Whitmarsh, DDSB Rasa Augaitis, TCDSB
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Activity Details: Component Stations Workout
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your Students: Will learn about Functional Fitness Will learn about goal setting and have set goals Will identify their needs and wants Will know components of fitness to focus on Will understand that everyone can be an athlete
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your Challenge: Keep your lesson relevant to keep it personal!
“Bringing the Personal Back…” How can you achieve this goal?
“Bringing the Personal Back…” For this workshop… Imagine you are one of your students Today your teacher has set up 6 stations Each station emphasizes a different fitness component
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your Instructions: Choose three stations to work on to assist you in achieving the personal goals you have set for yourself.
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your Instructions: For this session, we will use these stations: 1.Power/Strength 2.Speed/Agility 3.Yoga/Pilates
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your Instructions: You will be given a handout with instructions Complete the Fitness Blast workout Record your accomplishments There will be reflection time at the end
“Bringing the Personal Back…” So what did we do in the example lesson …? Addressed the functional side of exercise Allowed students to identify and work on their personal goals Challenged students physically
“Bringing the Personal Back…” What do you need to help you teach and present the theory behind today’s lesson?
“Bringing the Personal Back…” New Resource for PAF Course (Grade 11/12) AVAILABLE SPRING 2011 PERSONAL FITNESS: Faster. Stronger. Smarter.
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Personal Fitness: Faster. Stronger. Smarter. Presents principles of movement, fitness design, and sports nutrition Builds upon research connecting exercise to brain development Incorporates Long-Term Athlete/Participant Development (LTA/PD) model Aligned with newly revised curriculum in Ontario
“Bringing the Personal Back…” New Resource for PAF Course (Grade 11/12) Thompson Educational Publishing Student Textbook Student Activity Handbook Teacher’s Resource Binder Online Support
“Bringing the Personal Back…” UNIT 1: FUNCTIONAL FITNESS
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Life is Athletic Components of Fitness What is Functional Fitness? Importance of the Core Movement Competency Training Principles Factors That Limit Training Outcomes Long-Term Athlete Development Sound Body, Sound Mind 1. FUNCTIONAL FITNESS
“Bringing the Personal Back…” The Physiological Benefits of Exercise Exercise and the Energy System Exercise and the Cardiovascular System Exercise and the Respiratory System The Effects of Exercise on the Skeletal System Exercise and the Muscular System Exercise and the Nervous System Exercise and the Brain 2. EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON BODY SYSTEMS
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Perfect Practice Makes Perfect Warming Up / Cooling Down Functional Movement Screening Exercise Selection Equipment Safety Common Injuries and Prevention Environmental Conditions 3. GETTING READY TO TRAIN
“Bringing the Personal Back…” UNIT 2: PROGRAM DESIGN
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Appraising Fitness Pre-Appraisal Screening What is Body Composition? What is Aerobic Fitness? What is Musculoskeletal Fitness? What is Flexibility? Musculoskeletal Fitness – Composite Screening 4. FITNESS FOR OVERALL HEALTH
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Core Training Measuring for Speed and Agility Measuring for Muscular Strength Measuring for Power Measuring for Endurance Plyometric Training Yoga and Pilates 5. PERFORMANCE LEVEL FITNESS
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Short and Long-Term Goals Needs Analysis Speed and Agility Development Muscular Strength and Power Development Endurance Development Periodization Sample Programs 6. PERSONAL FITNESS AND PROGRAM DESIGN
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your students will learn: How to assess personal fitness Key concepts relating to “Overall Health” and “Performance Level Fitness” How to set meaningful goals How to improve fitness levels The skills needed to build personal fitness programs
“Bringing the Personal Back…” UNIT 3: SPORT NUTRITION
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Food Guides and Performance Macronutrients Micronutrients Energy Balance Carbohydrates and Performance Protein and Performance Fats and Performance 7. FUNDAMENTALS OF SPORT NUTRITION
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Types of Ergogenic Aids Hormones and Drugs Dietary Supplements Immune System Boosters Energy Drinks Need of Supplementation Supplements and Doping Issue 8. ERGOGENIC AIDS
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Eating Strategies for Female Athletes Hydrating for Performance Power and Strength Athletes Endurance Athletes Special Populations Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes Pre/During/Post Game Meal Planning 9. NUTRITION FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Your students will learn: “You are what you eat.” The importance of good sport nutrition How to tailor nutrition plans to complement fitness goals Skills to create a personalized sport nutrition plans
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Why are we doing this? Dignifies the Course Based on Current Research Will Align with New Curriculum Expectations
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Healthy Bodies = Healthy Minds
“Bringing the Personal Back…” Contact Us to Learn More: Toll Free: Website: