Person a l development le a rning My Ye a r 3, 4 or 5 e-Profile Type your n a me here
Instructions for the teacher/learning support assistant ●Information can be added onto each slide for individual pupils by completing stem sentences or overtyping the text. ●This is done by selecting Normal, in the View menu. Overtype the text that is already on the slide by highlighting it and then typing in the new information. ●You can add photos and sound and change photos used as examples. ●Where there is an instruction or information in blue or (blue italic) select and cut the text to remove it from the slide, once you have followed the instruction. You can also delete anything else that is not relevant. ●Green slides are instruction slides for teachers/learning support assistants and should be deleted when no longer needed. ●The blue slides are a suggested starting point for children. ●The slides are hyperlinked to allow easy navigation around the presentation. ●It is possible to run the presentation with any slides that are completed. ●Those that are not used may be hidden for later use. ●Individual slides may be printed for display purposes.
Wh a t the e-Profile is a ll a bout ●The slides of the PowerPoint (PPT) a re like pieces of a jigs a w th a t you put together to m a ke a picture. ●However, there is no picture to st a rt with a s you m a ke it up to fit you a nd your interests. ●You do not h a ve to do everything a t once, you c a n choose a single slide to st a rt with a nd a dd inform a tion a nd pictures, a s you decide wh a t you w a nt to include. ●You c a n a dd new slides a nd delete those you do not w a nt. ●You c a n a sk different people, te a chers, p a rents/ c a rers or friends to help you, a nd a t a ny time you c a n print the slides or use them to m a ke a present a tion a bout yourself.
All about meAll about me and my learning to: be healthy enjoyenjoy and achieve stay safe achieve economic well-being Click on a heading to find out more Teachers read this first: Every child matters make a positive contribution
Every child matters Support for pupils to: ●be healthy – by helping pupils to review and assess their decision making and goal setting, in relation to health issues associated with leisure and everyday life ●stay safe – by offering opportunities for pupils to reflect on risk and behaviour both for themselves and for others in relation to everyday life and through enterprise activities ●enjoy and achieve – by providing a strategy that allows pupils to set priorities for work and leisure and understand the importance of a school/life balance ●make a positive contribution – by challenging pupils to plan for voluntary community involvement in their role as active citizens ●achieve economic well-being – by providing the opportunity to develop financial capability by knowing about savings and value for money when planning spending. See the blue text, under the five headings, on the following slides, about what you could include on that slide.
How I feel a bout things I do to: be he a lthy be h a ppy be helpful be good a t le a rning m a ke friends Replace this picture with a picture of the child pl a n a nd choose st a y s a fe
Person a l profile ●About me: Add things you a re h a ppy for people to know a bout you. (Ex a mples include: –how old you a re –your interests –the n a mes of others in your f a mily.) My sister Me pl a ying footb a ll
My t a rgets for this term ●Le a rning t a rgets: ●Person a l go a ls: ●Keeping fit/sport:
Things I know a bout being he a lthy ●Write down some of the w a ys you h a ve le a rned to st a y he a lthy or use some photogr a phs to show wh a t you do to keep fit.
Things I know a bout st a ying s a fe ●Write down some of the w a ys you h a ve le a rned to st a y s a fe a nd reduce the level of risk when you a re involved in physic a l a ctivities a nd meeting new people.
Things I enjoy ●List some of the things th a t you enjoy doing: –in school – a t home –in a n org a nis a tion to which you belong. Add a photo of the thing you enjoy doing most a nd s a y why.
Things I h a ve a chieved ●M a ke a list of things a t which you h a ve been successful. (This might include meeting a t a rget th a t you set yourself, le a rning something new or overcoming something th a t w a s a concern.)
Things I do to m a ke a positive contribution ●Think a bout wh a t you do to help others through citizenship a ctivities. Describe a n a ctivity where you feel th a t you h a ve m a de a difference through supporting a n a ctivity or helping someone.
Economic well-being Thinking a he a d a bout le a rning a nd people a t work ●It is f a r too e a rly to m a ke a ny re a l decision a bout the type of work you w a nt to do, but wh a t a re your dre a ms for the future? ●Write a list of the things th a t will help you choose wh a t you dre a m for in your future a nd say why they a re import a nt to you: (The list might include h a ving fun, e a rning money, being with friends. You could s a y something a bout your f a vourite sports person a lity, singer or someone else you a dmire.)
My communic a tion skills ●These include: ●Describe a ny a ctivities you h a ve t a ken p a rt in during the ye a r where you h a ve needed good communic a tion skills:
My numer a cy skills ●These include: ●List three occ a sions when good numer a cy skills will be helpful to you: ●Is there a nything th a t you need to improve?:
My cre a tive skills ●These include: ●Describe a ny cre a tive a ctivities you h a ve t a ken p a rt in during this term, which might include a rt, music or dr a m a :
My ICT skills ●These include: ●Describe how using ICT a nd computers helps you in your work: ●Wh a t a re you good a t doing?: ●Wh a t do you need to improve?:
My interests ●Describe a ny interests th a t you h a ve either in school or outside: (Ide a s might include clubs or org a nis a tions you belong to, help you give to others or pl a ying a music a l instrument.) Outdoor a ctivities, like sledging, or indoor a ctivities, like music a nd dr a m a
Ye a r 3, 4 or 5 experiences ●Describe wh a t you h a ve done during the first term of Ye a r 3, 4 or 5: I h a ve been s a iling a nd visited the Nelson Exhibition.
Wh a t other people s a y a bout you ●Your cl a ss te a cher: ●Your f a mily a nd friends: