Your Health -- Your Life! By Michele Jacks
Why Physical Fitness Is Important In Your Life Improves Life Long Health and reinforces knowledge learned in other subject areas Increases Self-discipline Enhances Skill development Establishes Personal Goal setting
More Benefits to Physical Fitness Improves self-confidence and self-esteem Reduces stress and anxiety Strengthens peer relationships Improves judgment
Ways To Increase Your Fitness...
Eat a Balanced Diet
Make sure that your heart rate is elevated to your “Target Beats Per Minute” (220 minus age) and determine your resting heart rate through carotid radial artery measurement. Based on this information, you can figure out your target heart rate by computing 70 percent and 85 percent of your maximal heart rates. Exercise minutes at least 5 times a week
Participate in games, sports, dance, and outdoor pursuits, both in and out of school, based upon individual interests and capabilities. Explore introductory outdoor skills. Find Things That Interest You
Fun Facts Swimming, Dancing, Skateboarding, and many other outdoor activities are forms of exercise Exercise can be an individual or group activity
COMPREHENSION CHECK What types of activities lead to fitness? What types of activities hamper fitness? List 3 individual and 3 group activities for fitness.
WORKS CITED California Dept. of Education Physical Education Facts Images Image of a balanced diet Images Image of runner Google.comImages Image of sports equipment Images Image of gym equipment