goals for the third evening review last week’s intentions autogenics: limb warmth & link to implementation intentions exercise: continue with stamina and add strength sequence too diet: continue with fruit & veg; quiz; balanced intake; consider fats, grains, sugars, etc specific intentions for this week
1 st four sessions: progress so far? autogenic training physical exercise diet weight motivation self-determination goal setting stages of change last week’s pair exercise: how did the intentions go and any lessons for this week’s intentions?
stamina & now strength focus too reviewing & extending stamina challenges – quantity, skills, variety, sociability, etc appreciating/understanding strength focus working the major muscle groups – arms, chest, back, stomach, hips and legs sports council handout & various books
diet: fruit & veg; overall balance reviewing & extending fruit & veg intentions – quantity, variety, colours, enjoyment the ‘health scotland’ quiz: starches (whole grains), meat & fish, dairy, fats, sugars diet intentions for this week – what do you want to do & how will you monitor it?
the learning circle of experience genuine, personal experience observation and reflection time testing implications in new situations forming ideas & generalizations Kurt Lewin’s model of experiential learning note the particular importance of here-and-now concrete experience in generating and testing out ideas, and also the importance of the feedback loop in checking whether one is really on track; ineffectiveness is often due to an imbalance between active experience and reflective observation
intentions for this coming week time for personal reflection and writing your intentions for stamina & strength your intentions for fruit & veg, for issues emerging from the quiz, and generally … and for autogenics – the warmth focus, mini-exercises, & implementation intentions