Group 3 Case Study: Imperial College London Presented by: Amy Krueger Eric Martin Anh Do
Organization Background Imperial College London: Founded in World university ranking: ranks 3 rd in Europe and 5 th in the world in terms of education standards. 13,000 students from 123 countries Medical School: Founded in Largest medial institution in Europe. A combination of 8 western medical institutions.
VW/VLE Project Overview ndlife/gamebasedlearning/
The Challenge Question: How does web-based virtual learning environment effectively support learning and teaching in virtual world? Answer: Promote integration between virtual learning environment and virtual world (Second Life). Show the ability to share and reuse virtual world eLearning.
Why 3D? Bases of VW/VEL project. New innovative approach to teaching and practicing. Ability to share information through cyber space.
Making the case Presentation of project ideas and future outcomes looked promising to JISC. Project previously funded incurred positive outcomes.
The Solution Virtual Hospital Process: 1)Ask permission to examine patient 2)Talk to patient 3)Examine patient’s chart 4)Make differential diagnosis 5)Purchase and perform medical tests 6)Collect test results from the laboratory 7)Purchase and perform another test if necessary 8)Make final diagnosis 9)Check final diagnosis
The Benefits Provide a model for other institutions in their use of virtual world. Highlight opportunity that virtual world allows such as content sharing. Enable expertise to be shared rapidly across the globe.
The Results Findings from the CNN interview with the participants: Students: Unanimously agreed they preferred real patients and real hospitals. However, the training was a nice break, engaged the students better. Educators: Not to replace traditional face-to- face training but a way to connect to today’s “computer-savvy students”. Imperial College: Received the grants from JISC to develop their Moodle Virtual Leaning Environment and Second Life and OpenSIm virtual worlds.
The Lesson Learned The project is still in the process of being completed. While designing a training simulation, model it off of a real world training site.