RISE Job Search Function On the RISE Network, you can search for jobs at Partner Schools by: geographic area subject grade level Each listing provides additional detail about the position. Each position also links to a school profile. 1
Job Search Function: example 2
RISE Partner School Profiles Each job links to a Partner School Profile with 4 parts: 1. General Information 2. Teaching Conditions Survey data 3. School Leader Profile Statements 4. Student Achievement data See example on the next pages. 3
4 School Profile: General Information
5 School Profile: Teaching Conditions data
6 School Profile: Profile Statements
7 School Profile: Student Achievement data
Contacting Principals Through the each school profile, you can send an directly the principal. Each comes with the subject heading “RISE Teacher contacting you”. Principals know the quality of candidates on the RISE Network. Principals also use the RISE Network to search for candidate profiles that match their position needs. 8