Extended School Day Leveraging time to increase student achievement
Session Goals Provide Background and context Connect to Strategic Plan & Framework Outline scope of the work Identify supports
Legislative Action Minimum dayMinimum day Increase TimeIncrease Time School Day Task Force BargainingBargaining ParametersParameters BussingBussing Design / Prepare School choiceSchool choice PlanningPlanning
Current minutes comparison draft (from Steven)
Legislative Action Minimum dayMinimum day Increase TimeIncrease Time School Day Task Force BargainingBargaining ParametersParameters BussingBussing Design / Prepare School choiceSchool choice PlanningPlanning
Strategic Plan Connections Goal I: Increase student achievement Expand the range of and access to educational options Maximize use of time for instruction: Every minute counts. Goal III: Build and Maintain a Talented, Effective Workforce Implement work of School Day Taskforce Goal IV: Operate Efficiently Base Budget decisions on prioritized strategic initiatives. Spokane Public Schools Guiding Principle We believe a variety of learning environments, educational options, and instructional techniques creates a setting where all students can succeed.
How are you going to lead around this work at your school? – Staff – Parents/Community – Students How do you plan to tie your building’s work to the district Strategic Plan throughout the year?
Strategic Goal 1: Increase Student Achievement Students will be provided rigorous academic and real-life learning opportunities to become college and career ready. Do we help students own their learning? Goal Setting Persistence Self-awareness Motivation Help-seeking Progress Monitoring Self-efficacy Do we teach students specific techniques to support their learning? Time Management Test Taking Skills Note Taking Skills Memorization/recall Strategic Reading Collaborative Learning Technology To what extent does our school increase access to privileged knowledge? Post-secondary options Apply and Enroll Affordability Behavior norms of college Self-advocacy Aspirations What is the rigor and intensity of our curriculum? Key Terms and Terminology Factual Information Linking Ideas Organizing Concepts What is the quality of our instruction? Does my school develop a culture of achievement? Relevance of content Welcome challenges Value of subject matter Attribution? Effort Does my school, the curriculum, and instruction provide students an opportunity to engage in thinking required to be successful in the work place? Problem Formulation Research Interpretation Communication Precision/Accuracy Is my school safe and orderly to support academic achievement? Is the school well managed and efficient? Social Support
Spokane Public Schools Charter Choice Neighbor- hood Regal
All SPS Elementary + 30
ThoughtExchange: Curricular Programing School Count Avg. Rating Technology316.0 Sports Programs / PE255.9 Arts285.0 Foreign language programs176.0 Hands-on204.8 Science, Math, & Technology183.3
What are some natural strengths you could build upon at your school? What might your staff be excited about? What insights did you glean from your school’s ThoughtExchange results? What actions are you taking as a result?
Convene team Explore options August / September Collaborate with team, schools, central office Choose / Develop plan & schedule Begin identifying needs (curriculum, materials, etc.) October / November Submit plan (Dec) Continue identifying needs Submit budget for identified needs December / January
World Lang. Enviro- mental Science / SS STEM Arts CCR Comp Sci. FUN damental Latin / Classical PBL
Convene team Explore options August / September Collaborate with team, schools, central office Choose / Develop or choose plan Begin identifying needs (curriculum, materials, etc.) October / November Submit plan (Dec) Continue identifying needs Submit budget for identified needs December / January
Convene team Explore options August / September Collaborate with team, schools, central office Choose / Develop or choose plan Begin identifying needs (curriculum, materials, etc.) October / November Submit plan (Dec) Continue identifying needs Submit budget for identified needs December / January
Next Steps Form Team Meet Invite Team Convene your school-day leadership team Meet with your team once prior to our next session Invite your team to join you at the next All Admin meeting
What about extending the school day are you most excited about? What are you unsure about?
Meeting Dates Session 2, 9/17, All Admin meeting, 3:30-5:30 Session 3 Tuesday, 9/23, 4:00-5:30 Wednesday, 10/1, 4:00-5:30 or Thursday, 10/2, 4:00-5:30 Session 4, 10/3, All Admin meeting
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Helen Keller