Space Perception: the towards- away direction The third dimension Depth Cues Tasks Navigation Cost of Knowledge Interaction
Lets think about space as a cost of knowledge.
The perception for action pathway
The 3D vs 2D debate Should we display abstract data in 3D? Depth cue theory Depth cues are environmental information that tell us about space Can be applied somewhat independently
Do these make any sense?
Depth Cues Shape from Shading - texture Occlusion Perspective Shadows Stereo Motion parallax
Perception of surface shape Simple lighting model Light from above and at infinity Specular, Diffuse and Ambient components Oriented texture can enhance shape perception
Lighting model Lambertian, specular, ambient + cast shadows
Standard lighting model Specular refection diffuse reflection = lambertian Ambient illumination
Shading Specular reveals fine detail
Cushion Tree Map Jarke Van Wijk
Lighting Simple lighting model Not photorealistic Single light source from above and at infinity Specular for detail Cast shadows if scene is simple
Contour and Shading
Textures for surface orientation (Interrante)
Understanding surface shape Victoria Interrante
Occlusion: The strongest depth cue
Perspective (Cockburn and McKenzie) Perspective Picture plane position Occlusion Picture plane position Occlusion
Atmospheric perspective Reduce contrast with distance “depth cueing” in CG
Structure from Motion
Cast Shadows
Stereo Vision Basics
Stereopsis Based on disparities A super acuity Only good near point of fixation Poor for large differences Double imaging possible for 1/10 th deg.
Frame Cancellation
Relative Importance, 96 Cutting, 1996 Depth Contrast Depth (meters) Occlusion Relative size Height in field Binocular disparity Motion parallax Convergence accommodation Aerial
Task Based Space Perception The important cues depend on the task
Cue dependencies
Yes of course 3D can give us more But only if it supports some task Locomotion Heading, occlusion, pathways Understanding the shape of surfaces Shading, texture, stereo, motion Tracing paths in graphs motion stereo (not shading, not motion) Local reaching stereo – convergence – sometimes cast shadows
Relative position For fine judgments - threading a needle stereo is important +shadows, occlusion For large scale judgments, perspective, motion parallax, linear perspective are all important. Stereo is not important
Random Graphs
Glenn looking at a graph
Fish Tank VR
The task
Stereo +60% Motion +130% Stereo + Motion +200%
How to generate Motion? Passive rotation Hand coupled rotation Head-coupled rotation Time has does not vary much
Surface shape perception (Norman Todd and Phillips) Note: Random textures on surfaces Stereo and motion roughly equal Note large angular error ~ 20 degrees Observation: Stereopsis is a super-acuity and relies on fine texture disparity gradients L=lighting S=specular T = texture
Graham Sweet.
Stereo Display Requirements 3D GIS data Comfortable stereo display Many orders of magnitude Better than normal stereopsis
Stereo Vision Basics
We Know That Vergence and focus conflict Stereo perception is plastic (Wallack) Can be rapidly recalibrated (Judge and Miles) There is a synergy with motion parallax Occlusion is a strong cue to depth
Cyclopean Scale: (with Cyril Gobrecht)
Cyclopean Scale Helps with Vergence focus conflict Diplopia Disparity scaling Frame cancellation It works dynamically? Change the virtual eye separation
Virtual Eye Separation
Conclusion – 3D is better but only it adds something Space perception depends on the task Occlusion the most important depth cue – consider that windows rely on it Perspective may not add anything by itself Stereo important for close interaction Motion important for 3D layout Shape-from shading and texture important for surface perception (but non photorealist)
Stereo technologies Frame-sequential (shutter glasses) Polaroids Mirror stereoscope HMDs Color anaglyphs Chromadepth Holograms
Stereo shutter glasses Alternate right and left eye images on monitor. Syncronized shutters block right and left eyes in alternation Monitor: 120 Hz R,L eyes 60 Hz each Problems: ghosting due to slow Phosphor decay. Lower resolution CRT displays only Expensive glasses
Polaroids R L Silver screen Preserves polarization Problems: ghosting Advantages: Cheap glasses
Anaglyphs Problems: Ghosting Inability to use color
Lenticular To Right Eye To Left Eye The display uses cylindrical Prisms in vertical columns Problems: reduced resolution, limited head position. Theoretical limits on resolution What is wrong with this picture? Works with LCD displays
Mirror stereoscope Advantages: no ghosting Retains full brightness Full spatiotemporal resolution possible Disadvantage: Fixed head position.
HMD stereoscope Different screens for each eye. A high image quality is possible, but not currently available
VR What is it? What is it for? Perception/interaction
Issue Resolution Ghosting Vergence-focus conflict Occlusion Crossed disparities
Immersion VR HMD + head tracking Data glove
Fish Tank VR Head tracking, stereo, touch
Desk Top VR Interactive 3D
CAVE Head tracking – stereo Resolution problems Light scattering problems Vergence focus problem for near object Occlusion problems for near objects
Data walls (near immersion) Stereo, no head tracking, wide screen
Immersadesk Head tracking, stereo
Augmented reality (Feiner) Add text+images to real world See through glasses Very sensitive to head tracking Occlusion problems