Janet M Urban Lung-2015 Baltimore, USA July , 2015
SMOKING CESSATION: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Current Facts and Evidence- based Theories About Smoking Cessation
HISTORY OR TOBACCO USE 1870 Through 1964 “ The Emerging Awareness of Tobacco’s Hazardous Effects” 1965 Through 1999 “ Taking Action” 2000 Through 2009 “ A New Millennium”
TOBACCO DEPENDENCE AS A DISEASE Chronic Biopsychosocial Disease Similar to other drugs Different than other drugs Treat the same as other chemical dependencies
TOBACCO USE AND HEALTH ISSUES High morbidity rate related to tobacco use and dependence with people with co-occurring disorders Tobacco dependent treatment lowers health issues Should be actively addressed at intake, assessed and a treatment plan and recovery plan put in place
BIOLOGY OF TOBACCO USE AND TREATMENT Reasons clients use tobacco Nicotine Replacement Therapy is one proven solution, safe little potential for abuse Cigarette delivers nicotine quickly to the brain, high potential for dependence DSM for Nicotine Withdrawl
TOBACCO TREATMENTS AND THE DSM IV Supportive Counseling such as group and individual shown to be successful Chemically dependent mentally ill 2-3 times larger than general population and they consume 44% of tobacco in US Criteria for dependence
TYPES OF TREATMENTS Integrated Treatment The five A’s Standardized instruments Pharmacotherapy plus supportive counseling Motivational Interviewing Stage of Change Model Decisional Balance Model Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Relapse Prevention Therapy
TOBACCO TREATMENT PLANS Address smoking as a chronic biopsychosoical disease interrelated with other chemical dependencies Assessment Integrated Program Therapies Activities Relapse Prevention
MENTAL HEALTH AND TOBACCO TREATMENT Mental health patients usually live 25 years less than general population Difficult to treat, resistant to change, negative historical patterns, mistaken beliefs Tobacco industry targets this vulnerable population
TREATMENTS FOR THOSE WITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Treatment needs to be individualized to accommodate specific needs, personal goals, and cultural perspectives of the unique individual at different stages of change Treatment should not be limited to a single correct model Behavioral health systems must collaborate with professionals in primary care, human services, housing and criminal justice system Continuity of services and treated as a substance use disorder
TOBACCO TREATMENT GROUPS Tobacco Awareness Groups Tobacco Recovery Groups
PRESENTED BY Janet Marie Urban, USA Tobacco Treatment Specialist Health and Wellness Lifestyle Coach Personal Trainer
Lung & Respiratory Care – 2016 Website: lung.conferenceseries.com Meet the eminent gathering once again at Lung & Respiratory Care Manchester, UK August , 2016