Tobacco Control CD Week 22
Smoking, Pregnancy and Fertility Pregnancy SIDSLBWMiscarriagesStillbirths Pre-term delivery Congenital abnormalities: Cleft Palate, Cross-Eyes Respiratory dysfunction Immunological vulnerability Reduced fertility: Male and Female
Quitnow Australian Government Initiative Various tools to calculate: – Effects of smoking – Level of addiction – Financial Cost – reminders – Information about services Quitcoach: Quitcoach – Personalised quit plans – reminders
Role of health professionals in smoking cessation: Advice on quitting: – Distribution of information – Providing a plan – Support for those with mental illness Medication advice: – Nicotine replacement therapy – Prescription medication: Varenicline (Champix) or Bupropion
Perceived barriers to involvement How might these be addressed?
Reflections on GP Placements What have we observed so far?
Challenges in specific population groups Prison inmates Pregnant Women Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians Maori peoples Arabic-speaking Australians