Kuali-Coeus (KCRM) Implementation Department Administrator’s Forum May 17 th, 2011
AGENDA KCRM Phase 1 – Functional Highlights – Project Overview – Rollout and Cutover – Screen Shots / Reports KCRM Phase 2 – Functional Highlights – Keys to the Approach – Project Timeline – Design Process 2
PHASE 1 – FUNCTIONAL HIGHLIGHTS 3 Creates a standardized process and single database for tracking research applications Eliminates the paper process associated with research account setup and modification. “Blue Sheets” eliminated in favor of an electronic interface to SAP* Combines application and award data into a single reporting infrastructure Creates the foundation to link to electronic proposal development and routing in phase 2 * September, 2011 Rollout
PHASE 1 – PROJECT OVERVIEW 4 Blueprinting – Completed with OSP and PAFO working groups between Sept, 2010 and December, 2010 Realization – Currently in progress focused on: –Data Conversion –System Configuration –Development of Interfaces –Development of Reports –Standard Operating Procedures / User Documentation –Training Courses Rollout – On Target for July 1, 2011
PHASE 1 – ROLLOUT AND CUTOVER 8 Converting sponsored research data from the legacy OSP systems and the legacy Walker financial system will require a cutover period during the last three weeks in June During this time: All proposal activity will continue without interruption. The review and submission of proposals will be unaffected by the data conversion and cutover period. You will continue to experience the same level of service you have come to enjoy from OSP. During the cutover period, your ability to make charges against your existing grants will continue without interruption. Weekly and monthly payroll will run, and invoices will be paid. You will be able to contact OSP and PAFO as usual with questions about existing awards. Between the period of June 10 and July 1, the only new awards, continuations, increments, or other funding actions that will be processed in the legacy Walker system are those against which charges must be made before July 1. Any award set up or award data modified after June 10 will not be included in the automatic data conversion load into KC and SAP, and will have to be manually re-entered into the new systems after July 1. To keep this duplicative data entry to an absolute minimum, awards will be set up or modified during this period only on an emergency basis.
PHASE 2 – FUNCTIONAL HIGHLIGHTS 9 Electronic submission to sponsors for grants.gov capable applications (Most NIH and Some NSF) Electronic Routing/Approval (internally at BU) for all applications –Simplified templates for non grants.gov capable applications. Replace the Proposal Summary form and provide a place to upload documents. Improve technology infrastructure to handle significant volume of electronic attachments Address interfaces where appropriate to compliance systems (i.e. iMedris)
PHASE 2 – KEYS TO THE APPROACH 10 Build trust and momentum with “live pilots” that start early on in the implementation timeline Start simple and increase complexity with each pilot (i.e. type of application and routing) Create a template for non grants.gov applications that keeps data entry to a minimum with a focus on adding value to the research community that outweighs the burden of using the system Stagger the rollout (department by department)
PHASE 2 – DESIGN PROCESS 12 Blueprinting / Design will include a group representing faculty and department administrators Focus of the design effort will 3 main areas: 1.Processes surrounding routing / workflow and electronic signatures for both grants.gov and non-grants.gov applications 2.Non Grants.gov application templates 3.New reports and access to key data Design process will kick-off in September following the stabilization period of Phase 1 and detailed planning effort for Phase 2 Communication and scheduling for design sessions will take place in late July and August for those who are on campus and we will follow up in early September with any faculty who may be off campus in the summer months.
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