ACAT Student Mobility Reports: Step-by-Step Guide Sector Student Enrolment Flow
2 Welcome to one of the step-by-step user guides for the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer’s (ACAT’s) first three new Student Mobility Reports! The new reports contain information regarding student enrolment flow and tracking for public post-secondary institutions and the six sectors in Alberta. These reports use Learner and Enrolment Reporting System (LERS) system data, which has been signed off by public post-secondary institutions, supporting easy access to existing data. LERS system data includes data regarding all approved programs reported in LERS by publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta’s six sectors.Alberta’s six sectors
3 The first three new mobility reports are: o Institution and Sector Student Enrolment Flow reports, which provide student enrolment flows into, within, and out of Alberta’s public post-secondary institutions and six sectors for a given academic year. These reports target the most recent, complete LERS system data set available (inflow to and outflow from the 2010/2011 cohort year). o A Student Yearly Enrolment Track by Post-Secondary Institution report, which provides tracking of student enrolment in public post- secondary institutions by academic year. This report looks back six years from the most current, valid LERS data available for a student cohort (2011/2012 cohort year). Report updates will occur on a yearly basis as new LERS data is available and will maintain consistent templates.
4 This PowerPoint will now provide a brief step-by-step user guide to walk you through the Sector Student Enrolment Flow report. Please note that to provide the following illustrative examples regarding the contents of this report, this presentation uses examples of real Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI) sector information, which is available on ACAT’s website alongside the reports for all six Campus Alberta post-secondary sectors.
5 The following slides walk you through the information in the Sector Student Enrolment Flow mobility report using CARI information as an illustrative example. The example focuses on the cohort year (“D”) and the inflow into CARI before and the outflow from CARI after this cohort year. The legend and notes on the next slide further describe the contents of A–H. Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI)
6 Notes: 1.Values listed in the diagram represent the number of Unique Students at the level you are looking at; therefore, adding up sector numbers in each category may lead to inflated value. 2.Please refer to the “Student Enrolment Flow by Post-Secondary Institution” tab/page for the complete names of each sector (i.e. CARI, BASI, etc) and for the enrolment for individual post-secondary institutions that make up each sector. Legend: Note the dates and descriptions for the report information for A–H identified in the “Legend”. Important report details are also provided in the “Notes” at the bottom of each page of the report, including the page 1 example, below. Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI)
7 D. Identifies that in , there were 121,182 students enrolled within the CARI sector. Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI)
8 A. RETURNING: Identifies students who were enrolled at some point between through B. CONTINUING: Identifies students who were enrolled in C. NEW: Identifies students who were not enrolled between and E. CONTINUING ON: Identifies students who were enrolled in G. NOT IN SYSTEM: Identifies students who did not have an enrolment record in the system for Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI)
9 Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI) A., B., and C. illustrate the descriptions on the previous slide regarding the number of students for returning, continuing, and new student enrolment.
10 E.Identifies students who were enrolled in a public institution for the following year ( ) F. Identifies the number of these students who received a credential from the CARI sector in G.Identifies students who were NOT enrolled at a public institution in the following year ( ) H. Identifies the number of these students who received a credential from the CARI sector in Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI)
11 Notes: 1.Values listed in the diagram represent the number of Unique Students at the level you are looking at; therefore, adding up sector numbers in each category may lead to inflated value. 2.Please refer to the “Student Enrolment Flow by Post-Secondary Institution” tab/page for the complete names of each sector (i.e. CARI, BASI, etc) and for the enrolment or individual post- secondary institutions that make up each sector. Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI) A, B, and E in the Sector Student Enrolment Flow report identify enrolment for returning and continuing students in the six sectors who are flowing into and out of a sector (e.g., CARI). This information is also broken down by public post-secondary institution for this sector on page 2 of the report (see next slide for an example of the breakdown by institution). Legend:
12 Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions (CARI) Student Cohort: 121,182 Page 2 of this report provides a breakdown of sector student enrolment data by public post-secondary institution(s) for a given academic year and student movement into, within and out of the institution(s).
13 For additional information about the student mobility reports or to provide feedback, please contact Eric Dohei at (780) 644 – 3185 or System feedback about the three new mobility reports is encouraged to inform future revisions and new phases of mobility reports currently being discussed.