New Proposal for a Flagship on Tracking Chemical Pollutants New Proposal for a Flagship on Tracking Chemical Pollutants Nicola Pirrone GMOS Coordinator & GEO Task HE-02 Leader GEO Alternate for Italy Director of the CNR-IIA GEO Work Plan Symposium WMO, 5-7 May 2015 CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
C1: Global Mercury Observation System C2: Global Monitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Emerging Contaminants and Global Change Indicators It would build on Task HE-02 Tracking Pollutants CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
Ground-Based Observation System
Oceanographic-Based Observation System CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
GMOS: Tropospheric & Regional Campaigns Mt. Etna Po valley Slovenia Waldhof CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
POPs: long-term Active Air Monitoring Networks operated by NILU
POPs: Passive Air Monitoring Networks
Established Bilateral Cooperative Agreements CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy Biodiversity Research Institute, USA CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Centre (CVGZ), Czech Republic National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Seychelles Bureau of Standards, Seychelles SETAC Taiwan EPA & National Central University University of Washington-Bothell, Mt. Bachelor Obs., USA Ev-K2-CNR, Italy & Nepal NTNU, Norway USEPA-ORD Cape Grim Science Program and Macquarie University Observatoire Pic-du-Mid, France Storm Peak Laboratory, USA U.S. NADP (in progress) Environment Canada (in progress) CSIRO (in progress) Baltic Sea Research Institute (in progress) Institute of Environmental Engineering (in progress) NOAA (in progress) UBA, Germany (in progress)
Increase the availability and quality of in-situ, oceanographic and UTLS data and information needed to track persistent pollutants (Hg and POPs) and anticipate changes in sensitive ecosystems including biota; Increase the availability and quality of in-situ, oceanographic and UTLS data and information needed to track persistent pollutants (Hg and POPs) and anticipate changes in sensitive ecosystems including biota; Harmonize SOPs for monitoring pollutants and their compounds in air, atmospheric deposition, water, soil, sediments, vegetation and biota with special emphasis to emerging advanced sensors based on nanotechnology. Harmonize SOPs for monitoring pollutants and their compounds in air, atmospheric deposition, water, soil, sediments, vegetation and biota with special emphasis to emerging advanced sensors based on nanotechnology. Understand temporal and spatial patterns of pollutant transport and deposition to, and evasion from, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; Understand temporal and spatial patterns of pollutant transport and deposition to, and evasion from, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; Commitments of the Proposed Flagship CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
Support the validation of regional and global atmospheric pollutant models for use in evaluations of different policy options; Support the validation of regional and global atmospheric pollutant models for use in evaluations of different policy options; Evaluate the effectiveness of international efforts to reduce releases of pollutants. Evaluate the effectiveness of international efforts to reduce releases of pollutants. Commitments of the Proposed Flagship CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
H2020 UNEP GEF-World Bank GEF-World Bank NSF U.S.EPA National funds in USA, Italy, Japan, China, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, …….. National funds in USA, Italy, Japan, China, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, …….. Activities in Polar areas are supported through National Polar Research Programmes Activities in Polar areas are supported through National Polar Research Programmes Funding CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
Policy: provide quantitative information on pollutants in the environment to be used for policy decisions and support the implementation of Minamanta and Stockholm Conventions, among others (i.e., Basel, UNECE-LRTAP); Human health: increase awareness of impact of pollutants on human health; Technology: develop SDI and web services for Hg and POPs in the environment based on the brokering approach and contribute to GEOSS; Research: supporting knowledge discovery by implementing holistic databases. Expected impact CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
Overall coordination Establish regional focal points to better link/involve regional projects (this will ensure/increase a wider participation to GEO) Steering Committee: it will be formed by regional focal point representatives, coordinators of regional/national projects, NOGs, Policy Makers (UNEP, UNECE-LRTAP, EC, USEPA, EEA, …). Partners from C1 & C2 + new partners Governance CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
Thanks… CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy