MULTITRACK (MULTIpurpose TRACKing software) Abstract The MULTITRACK project represents an outstanding effort between some European laboratories to realize a new software for the design of nuclear systems for fundamental research, applied research and nuclear technologies. With this project the proponents intend to make available, mainly for the European community, a fast, user friendly Track Follower coupled to the most used Monte Carlo codes in a modern software framework.
The IDEA: a general purpose track fitting code a tracking program (like GEANE): treats the track as a 5-dimensional object and finds its points as mean values with errors Mean values depends on magnetic field, ionization energy loss, radiation energy loss Errors depends on energy loss, multiple scattering and on the previous track history Tracking is necessary for global fitting (Kalman filter and GaussianSumFilter)
3Tracking vs MC MC= at each step the trajectory is sampled as a random value Result: histograms of many particles Tracking= at each step the trajectory is calculated as a mean value with an associate error Result: mean and error for one “particle” track following GEANT is a general purpose MC code The same is missing for track fitting
The proposal
Participants so far INFN Pavia, Torino, Ferrara, Frascati IPN Orsay KVI Groeningen
Work Packages WP1 (Managerial activities) WP2 (Tracking of heavy charged particles) INFN WP3 (Tracking of charged particles with bremmstrahlung) IPN, KVI, INFN WP4 (Tracking of high energy photons) KVI, IPN WP5 (matching tracks from different detectors, use in Kalman filters) INFN WP6 (Software integration) INFN WP7 (Comparison with experimental data) INFN
Identifier: FP7-ICT-2013-X Publication Date: 12 September 2012 Budget: € Deadline: 29 January 2013 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) OJ Reference: OJ C276 of 13 September 2012OJ C276 of 13 September 2012 Specific Programme(s): COOPERATION Theme(s): Information and Communication Technologies FET Open Xtrack
STEPS 1 To write a general document containing Work Packages Tasks deliverable milestones repository with MSword correction This document (20-30pages), should contain all the information (also for partners) to be inserted on line into the project. 2. The preliminary document will be presented to INFN. After the approval, all the partners can register 3 The project is compiled and submitted
schedule 1 general document and INFN proposal december 6 Work Packages Tasks deliverable milestones the document is distributed to all the partners (repository) 2. Registration december 15 3Project compilation January 15 4 Completion January 29
INFN proposal General document Registration On line Compilation presentation Dec Jan
Time and Costs Duration 2 years Costs per year personel 440 kEu ( x6) travels, conferences, seminars 100 kEu hardware (?) 10 kEu total cost kEu (1/15 of the Budget)