Www.skovognatur.dk EU Territorial Agenda and aspects related to the Baltic Area Content: Chapter I: Tomorrow´s Territorial Challenges to be tackled today.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Territorial Agenda and aspects related to the Baltic Area Content: Chapter I: Tomorrow´s Territorial Challenges to be tackled today. Chapter II: Arguments for Territorial Cohesion and use better Territorial Diversity Chapter III: New Territorial Priorities for the Development of the EU Union Chapter IV: Actions for implementing the Territorial Agenda

Tomorrow´s Territorial Challenges to be tackled today. 4 mill. sq.km. 500 mill. of people 23 % of world GDP TA aims: Sustainable economic growth and job creation Social and ecological development Supports Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies

Tomorrow´s Territorial Challenges to be tackled today. Balanced polycentric development and new urban-rural partnership Parity in access to infrastructure and knowledge Prudent management and development of nature and cultural heritage CEMAT guiding principles for sustainable spatial development of the European continent

Tomorrow´s Territorial Challenges to be tackled today. 2004, Rotterdam – Territorial development policy 2005, Luxembourg – Territorial priorities and expert report: “The Territorial State and Perspectives of the European Union” Regional identities and potentials, needs and diverse characteristics Territory should support economic and social cohesion Continuous and coordinated dialogue policy of territorial cohesion permanent and cooperative process with actors and stakeholders. sustainable developmentTerritorial governance

Tomorrow´s Territorial Challenges to be tackled today + Arguments for Territorial Cohesion. 1) Climate change, 2) Rising energy prices, energy inefficiency and various opportunities for new forms for energy supply, 3) Accelerating integration in global economic competition and increasing related dependencies, 4) Impacts of enlargement on the economic, social and territorial cohesion – especially regarding infrastructure, 5) Overexploitation of ecological and cultural resources and loss of biodiversity, 6) Effects of aging population as well as in and out migration and internal migration.

New Territorial Priorities for the Development of the EU Union 6 Principles: 1. Strengthening Innovative and Polycentric Networking of Urban Regions and Cities. 2. New Forms of Partnerships and Territorial Governance between Rural and Urban Areas. 3. Competitive and Innovative Clusters of Regions across Borders. 4. Strengthening and Extension of Trans-European Networks. 5. Trans-European Risk Management including the Impacts of Climate Change. 6. Strengthening of Ecological Structures and Cultural Resources for a New Approach to Development.

1. Strengthening Innovative and Polycentric Networking of Urban Regions and Cities.

1. Strengthening Innovative and Polycentric Networking of Urban Regions and Cities.

2. New Forms of Partnerships and Territorial Governance between Rural and Urban Areas.

3. Competitive and Innovative Clusters of Regions across Borders.

4. Strengthening and Extension of Trans- European Networks.

4. Strengthening and Extension of Trans- European Networks.

5. Trans-European Risk Management including the Impacts of Climate Change.

5. Trans-European Risk Management including the Impacts of Climate Change.

6. Strengthening of Ecological Structures and Cultural Resources for a New Approach to Development.

6. Strengthening of Ecological Structures and Cultural Resources for a New Approach to Development.

Actions for implementing the Territorial Agenda Approaching various European institutions Series of Actions for implementation Commitment to integration TA political priorities Agreement to establishing informal structures for cooperation

Future aims of territorial cooperation and importance of governance 6 Principles: 1. Strengthening Innovative and Polycentric Networking of Urban Regions and Cities. 2. New Forms of Partnerships and Territorial Governance between Rural and Urban Areas. 3. Competitive and Innovative Clusters of Regions across Borders. 4. Strengthening and Extension of Trans-European Networks. 5. Trans-European Risk Management including the Impacts of Climate Change. 6. Strengthening of Ecological Structures and Cultural Resources for a New Approach to Development.

The TA process - how were common mindscapes achieved EU Presidency led Member States dialogue Commission has taken part. Builds on 16 years of cooperation and development (ESDP, Hanover, INTERREG, ESPON with more)

INTERREG as an instrument for achieving future aims INTERREG – maybe the best Vertical and horizontal coordination – correspond URBACT – 68 M€ Priority I: cities, engines of growth and jobs Priority II: attractive and cohesive cities ESPON II programme Priority I: targeted analysis Priority II: consumer oriented analysis 6 M€ (take action now)

Stakeholders as key actors in future development processes Inclusion of all stakeholders is basic for the feeling of ownership and for a successful implementation

Outlook: the territorial state of the EU in 2013 Thank you for your attention