Alluvial plain - floodplain on which flooding rivers have deposited rich soil
Aquifer - underground water-bearing layers of porous rock, sand, or gravel
arable - land suitable for growing crops
Archipelago - a group or chain of islands
Atmosphere - layers of gases that surround the earth
Atoll - ring-shaped island formed by coral building up along the rim of an underwater volcano
Basin - area of land drained by a given river and its branches; area of land surrounded by lands of higher elevations
bay - part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally smaller than a gulf
Biosphere - the part of the earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere that supports life /-1/draft_lens module photo_ Golden_eagle_flight_enlarged.jpg
Canal - man-made waterway or artificially improved river for travel
Canyon - deep narrow valley with steep walls
Cape - a piece of land jutting into the sea or some other large body of water (smaller than a peninsula)
Capital city - town or city that is the official seat of government Photo by HazelAnne Prescott
Cascade - a descent of water over a steep surface; a waterfall, esp. one of considerable size
Channel - wide strait or waterway between two landmasses that lie close to each other
City - Center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance (usually over 2,500 people)
Coniferous - trees such as evergreens that have cones and needle-shaped leaves, and keep their foliage throughout the winter
Cordillera - parallel chains or ranges of mountains
Crevasse - huge, deep crack that forms in thick ice or snow
Current - cold or warm stream of seawater that flows in the oceans, generally in a circular pattern
Deciduous - trees, usually broad leaved such as oak and maple, that lose their leaves in autumn
Delta - flat, low lying land built from deposits of soil carried downstream and deposited at the mouth of a river
Depression - an area that is sunk below the surrounding area
Desert - area that receives less than 10 inches of rain in a year HP sample pictures
Divide - a high point or ridge that determines the direction rivers flow
Escarpment - steep cliff or slope between a higher and lower land surface
Estuary - an area where the tide meets a river current
Fauna - the animal life of a region
fjord - long steep-sided glacial valley now filled by sea water
Flora - the plant life of a region
Glacier - large body of ice that moves across the surface of the earth
Groundwater - water within the earth that supplies wells and springs
gulf - part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally larger and more deeply indented than a bay
Harbor - a sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safely
Highlands - elevated land – hills, mountains, and plateaus
Hill - a natural elevation of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain
Hydrosphere - the watery areas of the earth, including oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and other bodies of water
Island - land area, smaller than a continent that is surrounded by water
isthmus - narrow stretch of land connecting two larger land areas
Lake - a sizeable inland body of water Lake Tahoe by HazelAnne Prescott
Leeward - facing away from the direction of the ocean wind; usually dry
Lithosphere - surface land areas of the earth’s crust, including continents and ocean basins
Lowland - land usually level at low elevations (plain)
Mesa - broad, flat-topped landform with steep sides; smaller than a plateau
Mixed forest - forest with both coniferous and deciduous trees
Mountain peak - pointed top of a single mountain
Mountain range - a series of connected mountains; land with steep sides that rises sharply from the surrounding land (1,000 feet)
Mouth - place where a river or stream flows into a larger body of water
Oasis - small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well
ocean - one of five major bodies of salt water that surround the continents
Peninsula - body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on three sides by water
Permafrost - permanently frozen layer of soil beneath the surface of the ground
Plain - area of level land, usually at low elevation and often covered with grasses
Plateau - area of flat rolling land of high elevation (300-3,000 feet)
Rainforest - a tropical forest, usually of tall, densely growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall
River - large natural stream of water that runs through the land
Sea - large body of water completely or partly surrounded by land
Source - place where a river or stream begins, often in the highlands
strait - narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water
Tributary - small river or stream that flows into a large river or stream; a branch of the river
Valley - area of low land usually between hills or mountains
Volcano - mountain or hill created as liquid rock and ash erupt from inside the earth
Waterfall - steep fall or flow of water in a watercourse from a height, as over a precipice; cascade (cataract) HP sample pictures
Windward - side of the mountain facing toward the ocean wind