Building Your Buyer Representation Business Developing a personal marketing plan Finding qualified buyers Reaching out to potential buyers Using your ABR as a market edge In this chapter 149
7-2 Developing a Marketing Plan 1. Define your objectives and goals 2. Target a specific audience 3. Differentiation 4. Refine your message 5. Determine the best media 6. Create your action plan and a schedule 7. Prepare a detailed budget 8. Measure your results 149
7-3 Locating Qualified Buyers People you know People you don’t know Referrals Events Marketing media Interviews Other opportunities 152
7-4 How Buyers Find Real Estate Agents All buyersFirst-time buyers Repeat buyers Friend, neighbor, or relative 40 %49 %35 % Used licensee previously 13 %2 %19 % Internet Web site 7 % 8 %7 % 154
7-5 Information Sources All buyersFirst-time buyers Repeat buyers Real Estate Agent85 %84 %85 % Internet80 %83 %78 % Yard Sign 63 % 62 % 155
7-6 Outreach Methods Develop a presentation package Write newspaper and magazine articles Create a newsletter – snail mail or electronic Consult with a publicist Telemarketing Market to companies relocating to your area Develop contacts with property management firms Present home buying seminars 156
7-7 Ramp Up Your Web Site 77% of homebuyers used the Internet as an information source and 15% found their home on the Internet 96% of buyers search the Internet to find property information, 3% to find a real estate agent 158
7-8 ABR ® – the Marketing Edge Benchmark of excellence in buyer representation Emphasize your education focused on representing buyers and demonstrated experience 159
7-9 REBAC National Marketing REBAC’s Consumer Focus National advertising campaign promoting ABR ® and ABRM SM National press coverage Wall Street Journal, USA Today - 1,500 daily newspapers - 8,500 suburban weeklies Nearly 350 nationally broadcast commercials on the radio 159
7-10 Marketing Tools from REBAC Postcards Ad slicks Press releases Logos and stickers Your own home page with your own URL – name Homebuyer’s Toolkit 159
7-11 Find a Buyer’s Rep 161
7-12 Congratulations! You’ve completing the first step to achieve the Accredited Buyer’s Representative designation! Next Complete one elective course Document five completed transactions Maintain REBAC membership 163