The public perceives widespread problems with quality -- Dr. Robert Johnstone
Anesthesia Quality in the Perfect Digital Future June 16, 2012 Richard P. Dutton, MD MBA Executive Director Anesthesia Quality Institute
Disclosure I am the Executive Director of the Anesthesia Quality Institute, a public charity devoted to creating a national registry. The AQI pays my salary. I am strongly biased on this topic:
9/19/20154 The Challenge The government wants to know that Ma and Pa are getting the healthcare they deserve … and that our taxes pay for.
W Quality in Healthcare
Quality in Healthcare? “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it …” — Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart in Jacobellis v. Ohio, 1964, regarding possible obscenity in The Lovers
Some Characteristics of Quality in Healthcare Accessibility Affordability Efficiency Modernity Adaptability Humanity Effectiveness Effectiveness Prevention of disease Prevention of disease Avoidance of complications Avoidance of complications Improved survival Improved survival
Case #1 Is This Quality? Case #1
Is this Quality? It’s modern! It’s accessible! It’s adaptable! It’s not cheap It’s not cheap It’s not humane It’s not humane It’s not efficient It’s not efficient It’s not effective (not this time) It’s not effective (not this time)
Case #1 Is This Quality? Case #2
Patient L.C. Young adult female Works in a large factory “Not feeling well” Reduced productivity over two shifts – monitored in real time Referred by supervisor to physician Same day appointment
L.C. Febrile Distended, tympanitic abdomen Diagnosed with bowel obstruction Surgery that same day Regional anesthesia with sedation Brief exploratory laparotomy, relief of volvulus Antibiotics, fluids
L.C. Rapid convalescence (1-2 hours) Normal appetite at dinner time Returned to work on evening shift Productivity restored < 36 hours after onset of symptoms
Is this Quality? It’s accessible! It’s adaptable! It’s efficient! It’s modern! It’s inexpensive! It’s Effective! It’s not human It’s not human
W Quality in Anesthesiology
Prehistoric AIMS
The Future As It Used To Be
We live in the Information Age… “Your data is going to be collected. Do you want it to be gathered by your friends or by your enemies?” -- Keith Ruskin, MD * Goofy picture of Keith obtained in 5.4 seconds of internet search. *
A non-profit 501(c)3 corporation Vision: To become the primary source for quality improvement in the clinical practice of anesthesiology Mission: To establish and maintain the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry The AQI
Data Sources for the AQI
AQI Registries NACOR AIRS PPAI 9/19/
NACOR: the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry Electronic capture All cases (no bias) All available data De-identified, but with context Automated reporting Automated validation Analysis and reporting
AQI Reporting
Practice Recruitment Process Legal agreements Practice Demographic Survey Technical assessment Data transmission 9/19/201542
What to Collect? Quality Improvement data Hospital EHR / EMR data AIMS data Administrative / Billing data
“Knowledge is Power” -- Sir Francis Bacon, 1597 “Let’s Dance!” -- Kevin Bacon, Footloose, 1984
NACOR to date > 800 interested groups 160 participating practices Case data from: –100 groups –1100 facilities –8,500 providers –4,500,000 cases 9/19/201545
Age and ASA Physical Status 9/19/201546
Patient Age 9/19/201547
Anesthesia Type 9/19/201548
Carpal Tunnel Release
Reporting Drill-Down
Measure Group Description (n=814,890 cases)EventsIncident Rate ProcessProcess outcomes11, % MajorSerious adverse events; actual patient harm or significant risk3, % MinorMinor adverse event; without long-term impact85, % AdminAdministrative outcomes; such as case cancel, extended PACU, unexpected admission11, % MortalityPatient death; excluding patients presenting for organ harvesting % Outcomes
Mortality Easy to define Easy to count Should be a good way to define effectiveness … …right?
Anesthesia Mortality Estimates Mortality in elective outpatient surgery: 7.8/million in ASCs (92/million in offices) (Vila et al. Arch Surg 2003) Mortality within 30 days of admission: 4/hundred at the Shock Trauma Center (Dutton et al. J Trauma 2010)
Changes in Hospital Ranks After Risk Adjustment for 30-day Mortality Rank by unadjusted mortality rate (%) (1 = lowest rate) Risk Adjustment from NSQIP
Risk Adjustment of Trauma Mortality
Utopia Principle #1 Align the Incentives Pursue capitation Share the incentives with all providers
Utopia Principle #2 Get the most out of expensive resources Beds should be filled ORs should be utilized Physicians should do physician stuff
Utopia Principle #3 Healthcare is an Information Business* *Invest accordingly!
Utopia Principle #4 Software Requires Liveware
Utopia Principle #5 Quality, Safety and Efficiency are the same thing Re-work takes time and costs money The best care is usually the most efficient
Utopia Principle #6 What isn’t measured, can’t be improved
Utopia Principle #7 Patients do the Darndest Things
“Bottom-up QM” Sometimes, strange stuff happens Learning from these episodes is critical Never make the same mistake twice!
The Anesthesia Incident Reporting System (AIRS) Maintained by AQI Separate registry from NACOR Designed for detailed individual reports Some practices enter everything Co-reporting to hospital QM program
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” -- Socrates, Apology 38a
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