Postgraduate specialist training ZEVA Kraków1
Organization Centralized system – Center for Postgraduate Medical Training – Center for Medical Examinations Law on medical profession 79 specialties Training 5-6 years Residency Modular system to be introduced ZEVA Kraków2
Chamber proposals Facilitation – more residency posts – better salary – transparent admission procedures Modular system Taking over specialist training Internship ZEVA Kraków3
UEMS Romuald Krajewski vice-president
Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes Established in 1958 Membership: 35 national medical associations 45+ medical specialties through UEMS Sections & Boards ca. 1,4 million medical specialists across Europe ZEVA Kraków5
6 Specialist Sections* 2 delegates nominated by the national monospecialist association European Boards* 2 delegates per country (Balance profession-academia) Council* Plenary decisions 2 delegates per country Board* Financial matters 1 Head of delegation per country ECAMSQ European Council for Accreditation of Medical Specialist Qualification CESMA WG PGT National Licensing Authorities and UEMS Sections EACCME* European Accreditation Council for CME Advisory Council National authorities and UEMS Sections Secretariat Brussels Executive* Daily management President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Liaison Officer + Vice-Presidents (4) ZEVA Kraków6
Sections and Boards 38 Sections –Divisions 9 Multidisciplinary Joint Committees ZEVA Kraków7
8 Specialist Sections* 2 delegates nominated by the national monospecialist association European Boards* 2 delegates per country (Balance profession-academia) Council* Plenary decisions 2 delegates per country Board* Financial matters 1 Head of delegation per country ECAMSQ European Council for Accreditation of Medical Specialist Qualification CESMA WG PGT National Licensing Authorities and UEMS Sections EACCME* European Accreditation Council for CME Advisory Council National authorities and UEMS Sections Secretariat Brussels Executive* Daily management President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Liaison Officer + Vice-Presidents (4) ZEVA Kraków8
ZEVA Kraków9
Formal Agreements 28 UEMS Sections 18 National Authorities AMA CMA ZEVA Kraków10
11 Specialist Sections* 2 delegates nominated by the national monospecialist association European Boards* 2 delegates per country (Balance profession-academia) Council* Plenary decisions 2 delegates per country Board* Financial matters 1 Head of delegation per country ECAMSQ European Council for Accreditation of Medical Specialist Qualification CESMA WG PGT National Licensing Authorities and UEMS Sections EACCME* European Accreditation Council for CME Advisory Council National authorities and UEMS Sections Secretariat Brussels Executive* Daily management President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Liaison Officer + Vice-Presidents (4) ZEVA Kraków11
ECAMSQ Quality of medical care Significant differences between curricula – Recognition based on time spent Pressures for shorter training period Atomization of specialties ZEVA Kraków12
ECAMSQ Professional mobility Harmonization Revalidation/recertification Initiative of medical profession ZEVA Kraków13
What is needed for a specialist training? Harmonized training program Log book of training activities Decent working conditions for the trainees (income and working times) Clear Definition of Specialties throughout Europe ZEVA Kraków
Competent doctor Competence based education/training ZEVA Kraków15.knowledge + skill + attitude
European Council for Accreditation of Medical Specialist Qualification (ECAMSQ) “Fusion” of the Working Group on PGT of the UEMS and CESMA Electronic Platform Certification ZEVA Kraków16
Glasgow Declaration European Board Examinations have no legal status European Board Examination is complimentary to national examinations To be considered as a Label of Excellence Clear Curriculum and Reference Book Clear Eligibility criteria Certificates for successful application Promotion of the European Examinations Currently there are European Examinations in 23 specialties ZEVA Kraków17
ECAMSQ e-platform Pilot project for 2+ years 4 UEMS Sections – Anesthesiology – Cardiology – Intensive Care Medicine – Radiology After the pilot project : – Evaluation of the outcomes – Extension to UEMS S&Bs and MJCs ZEVA Kraków18
Future? European curricula Standardized documentation of training Standardized assessment tools 28th system ZEVA Kraków19