Evaluating Your Post- Grad Options: You’re a Doctor…Now What? Richard E. Bauer, DMD, MD Brooke Z. Elmore, DDS
“You’ll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.” -Julia Child
Planning for Success
“Delayed Gratification”
Post-Grad Specialties Dental Public Health (1-2) Oral Surgery (4-6) Periodontics (3) Orthodontics (3) Pediatric (2) Endodontics (3) Pathology (3-5) Radiology (3) Prosthodontics (3)
Combination Specialty Programs Pros/Perio (5) Ortho/Pedo (5)
Find Your “Dream Team”
Non-Specialty Post-Grad Residency Advanced Education in General Dentistry (1-2) General Practice Residency (1-2) Oral Medicine (2) Dental Anesthesiology (2-3) Master in Public Health (1-2)
Residency: What YOU should be asking # of residents # and type of faculty Staff/Assistants Salary Clinic Hours Call Evaluations Research Technology Housing/Benefits Patient Demos OR/Clinic Sedation CE/Interdisciplinary
Residency: What THEY might ask you! Goals for residency and after Challenges Why you? How others describe you Personal story Role Model Proud Moment Back up plan
Impact of social media Residencies do check, impacts acceptance/rank decision Be aware of your online “appearance”
Academics: Teaching and Research With or Without Residency Loan Repayment Faculty Practice Teamwork approach Cutting Edge Technology/Cases Research
Loan Repayment Options FQHC-Community Health Clinic Armed Services USPHS-Federal Bureau of Prisons, Coast Guard, Indian Health Services (Externships)
IHS-Glacier National Park
OMS Residency - Pittsburgh
Private Practice Associate Partnership Corporate Dentistry Solo Practice
Associate? What you need to know! Employee vs. IC Guarantee Production vs. collection Collection Rate Lab bill/equipment Benefits Acquiring Patients Non-compete Philosophy Opportunity # of new patients Production history Past Associates
Private Practice: Start-up or Buy Out? Business Plan Can be Pricey! Need consultant Working Capital Existing practice Current Patients Valuation of Practice
Before Signing…
Make a Plan Set Goals 1, 3, and 5 year plan Work Hard Take Risks
Let’s talk about opportunities for your future