Welcome Presenting the program of the meeting Break Presentation of the schools in Didim and Satu Mare – PowerPoint Presentations of cities (Didim and Satu Mare) School tour Lunch Visiting local organizations- City Hall City tour 19.00Working dinner -teachers– discussion about the school and educational system 31. March - MONDAY
01. April-TUESDAY Classes according to the timetable of the host students (students and teachers) The Unesco heritage of the region-trip to EFES Kuş Cenneti-İzmir Efes, Doğal Yaşam Parkı - Bird watching
02. April-WEDNESDAY Classes according to the timetable of the host students break Presentation of the survey about Turkey – School from Romania Presentation of the countries –Turkey and Romania Dictionary workshop- recording words Lunch Logo competition – choosing the logo Music workshop – learn the songs in English, Turkish, Romanian Friendship tree - planting tree in the schoolyard
03.April -THURSDAY Classes according to the timetable of the host students Break Presentation of the natural reservations in Turkey and Romania Dictionary workshop- recording words Lunch Music workshop Wall Painting
04.April-FRİDAY Classes according to the timetable of the host students Break Dictionary workshop Lunch Music workshopird watch Sport competition
05.April-SATURDAY The cultural heritage (Tuzla, Bodrum) Bird watch at the lakes- observation forms
06.April-SUNDAY.Visiting APOLLON TEMPLE with the families
07.April-MONDAY Classes according to the timetable of the host students (students and teachers) National park (Milet, Priene, Doğanbey) -meet the representatives of the national Park
08.April-TUESDAY Classes according to the timetable of the host students Turkish Culture Day Break Traditional painting – Ebru Traditional food Traditional music Traditional dances Concert presentations of the CD-s from the national musical treasure and the songs learned in the music Workshops, presentation of the slideshow with the photos Traditional games
09.April-Wednesday Turkish language exam for the Romanian students Teachers - exchanges pedagogical approaches, teaching skills, planning the upcoming activities and the meeting in Romania Break Journalism –workshop – article about the meeting for the newspapers and wikipage, slideshow with the photos taken during the meeting Lunch Evaluation of the activities meeting, awarding the attendance certificates and the language certificates for the Romanian students. Preparatıon for dinner Dinner