Country Report TURKEY 9th Meeting of SELL, May 18-21, 2009, Izmir Institute of Technology Library, Izmir, Turkey
Agenda How we manage statistics (standart, collecting, analysing, evaluating data, sharing & suggesting) Turkish Higher Education Council Student Selection and Placement Center ANKOS members Databases subscribed via ANKOS Usage statistics of the databases Publication Negotiations - Wiley InterScience, SpringerLink Negotiating Group on Databases New Software for ILL (KITS)
Turkish Higher Education Council Student Selection and Placement Center
ANKOS statistics program / online process
Turkish Higher Education Institutions ( )
Turkish Higher Education Institutions - FTE
ANKOS members
Turkish Higher Education Inst. & ANKOS members-2009
ANKOS license agreements with publishers ( )
Subscribed databases (2009) AMA Journals American Chemical Society (ACS) American Institute of Physics (AIP) Annual Reviews (AR) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Britannica Online Cambridge University Press CountryReports (EIU) DOODY'S e-book Ebrary Elsevier e-book Emerald EV2 Compendex GALE- Expanded Academic ASAP Global Market Inf. Database (GMID) Euromonitor Global Books in Print (Bowker) HeinOnline HukukTürk Institute of Physics (IOP) JSTOR KARGER Knovel LexisNexis Academic Masters of Architecture MathSciNet MD Consult (MDC) Nature Publishing Group Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford English Dictionary Oxford- Grove Art Online Oxford- Grove Music Online Oxford Journals Online Oxford Reference Online Oxford Scholarship Online Pidgeon Digital PNAS Proquest - Health and Medical Package Proquest - Literature Online (LION) Proquest 5000 Proquest- ABI Inform Proquest- Academic Research Library (ARL) Proquest- Dissertation and Thesis Abst Proquest- Periodicals Archive Online Full Text (PAO) Proquest-Dissertation and Thesis Abst&FT Redhouse 3. Jenerasyon CD Sozluk Royal Society of Chemistry (e-book) Safari E-Books SAGE Science Online (AAAS) Scopus Serials Solutions Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics(SIAM) Source OECD Springerlink Springer e-book Springer Lecture Notes Series ASTM Digital Library Taylor & Francis Online Books The Cochrane Library Thieme Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Proquest) ViewsWire Wiley InterScience- Blackwell
Participation to the subscribed databases ( )
Subscribed databases per library via ANKOS ( )
Cancellations & new participations (2009) Cancelled the agreement (2009)Total member ALPSP12 New participating (2009)Total member AMA Journals6 CountryReports (EIU)3 DOODY'S e-book s 4 EV2 Compendex9 HukukTürk28 KARGER7 Knovel11 LexisNexis Academic13 Masters of Architecture3 Pidgeon Digital5 PNAS5 Redhouse Dictionary 4 Scopus8 A STM Digital Library14 Taylor & Francis Online Books2 The Cochrane Library16 Thieme8 ViewsWire3
Full–text usage of the databases (2008)
General usage statistics of the databases (2008) Type of Usage Total search – bibliographic Total pages viewed - eBooks Total full-text dowloaded - Journals General Total
Results & future plan The number of institutions increasing in Turkey ANKOS make new agreements every year Usage statistics increase regularly A N K O S ANKOS new statistics software will be available 2010
Publication / A short-cut to marketing the library
Wiley InterScience The first proposal to ANKOS October 27, 2008 Agreement January 6, 2009 67 members Full Collection titles
SpringerLink The first proposal to ANKOS December 12, 2008 Agreement January 5, 2009 66 members Full Collection titles
ANKOS Negotiating Group on Databases
ANKOS / Negotiating Group on databases ANKOS Negotiation Group was formed in 2008 by some of the major universities librarians in the Consortium. Main objective is to evaluate recommended/proposed e-resources and share assessments with ANKOS Steering Committee and members.
Negotiating Group on Databases: Organizational Structure Gultekin GURDAL (IIT) ANKOS Chairman Ertugrul CIMEN (Kadir Has University) Mustafa Kemal CELEBI (Cukurova University) Emre Hasan AKBAYRAK (METU ) Sami CUKADAR (Istanbul Bilgi University) Handan UGUR (ITU) Gussun GUNES (Koc University) Burcu KETEN (METU)
Negotiating Group on Databases: main responsibilities Provide strong leadership and claim a more prominent role for Turkish university libraries in negotiations for electronic resources. Ensure affordable conditions and reasonable business models Ensure successful negotiations with vendors and publishers
Negotiating Group on Databases: projects