WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme JMP and data reconciliation Workshop on Millennium Development Goals Monitoring 14-16 January 2009, Bangkok.


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Presentation transcript:

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme JMP and data reconciliation Workshop on Millennium Development Goals Monitoring January 2009, Bangkok Rifat Hossain Public Health and Environment World Health Organization Rolf Luyendijk Statistics and Monitoring United Nations Children's Fund

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme This presentation covers…  What is JMP  How JMP estimates  Methodologies  JMP challenges  Multiple data sources  JMP's approach to reconcile  The ladder  JMP's reconciliation efforts

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme MDG 7 Target 7c:  Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation Indicators:  Proportion of the population that has access to an improved drinking water source (urban and rural)‏  Proportion of population that has access to an improved sanitation facility (urban and rural)‏ JMP Monitors… uses uses

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme JMP definitions of improved/unimproved   Piped into dwelling, plot or yard   Public tap/standpipe   Tube well/borehole   Protected dug well   Protected spring   Rainwater collection   Flush/pour flush to:   piped sewer system   septic tank   pit latrine   Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine   Pit latrine with slab   Composting toilet   Unprotected dug well   Unprotected spring   Cart with small tank/drum   Tanker truck   Surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation canal)‏   Bottled water (unless 2 nd Improved source)   Flush/Pour flush to elsewhere   Pit latrine without slab/open pit   Bucket   Hanging toilet/hanging latrine   Shared sanitation of any type   No facilities, bush or field UN-IMPROVED IMPROVED Drinking WaterSanitation

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Reported data Survey data Coverage distribution

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme JMP uses National survey/census because…  More objective and reliable  Some facilities fallen out of order  Avoid double counting by not considering upgrading of improved facilities  Allows for analyses  Disaggregated into wealth quintiles  Comparable across countries  Monitor trends over time

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Year Coverage (%) JMP cookbook ! - 2 data points scenario - ≤ 4 year apart - > 5 years extrapolation 4 Years < 5 Years NO REGRESSION LINE ! 8 Years > 5 Years REGRESSION LINE ! 2 Years max. 4 Years max. 6 Years max. 2 Years max.

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme X X How JMP estimates Estimated coverage 1990: 50% 2002: 77% Estimated coverage 1990: 52% (new baseline) 2002: 75% 2006: 82% X X NFHS03 x X X Estimated coverage 2003 ≠ NFHS03

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme A bold step… Joint Monitoring Programme Between WHO and UNICEF …and Country X

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme A complex sector  Data needs of a wide range of stakeholders  Multiple stakeholders with varying methodologies Multiple data sources = Confusion Reconciliation needed to bolster mutual cooperation and confidence building to strengthen national monitoring

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Major reasons for discrepancies  Differing sources of data  NSO – user based data  Sector – provider based data  Differing methodologies  Even with user based data Countries sometimes use single data point  Differing population estimates  Most recent census vs. UNPD estimates  Differing definitions of urban/rural  NSO and Sectors not always agree  Differing definitions

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Reconciliation through dialogue/cooperation/coordination  Key players  National NSO Sectoral ministries  International (IHSN etc.)  Reconciliation  Development of framework and guidelines  Help implement the framework JMP as a player JMP as an honest broker

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Framework for reconciliation  Fill data gaps (with NSOs, sectors, regional bodies, other int. orgs)  Liaise with National authorities (in collaboration with regional bodies) NSO as national data clearing house  Liaise with other international organizations  For greater synergy  Explain methodologies Website Workshops National stakeholders' meeting  Promote the use of standardized data collection tools

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Framework for reconciliation (cont'd)  Data reconciliation  Consultation with national bodies JMP website Wiki style portal Etc.  Reconcile sectoral and statistical datasets?  Agree on a single set of datasets Construct a single ladder (possible?) Show discrepancies through this ladder

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme JMP2008: The ladder approach… Open defecation Unimproved sanitation facilities Shared sanitation facilities I mproved sanitation facilities Other improved drinking water sources Unimproved drinking water sources Piped water in dwelling, plot or yard   Moving from Improved/Unimproved dichotomy to a more refined situation Sanitation (4 rungs) Improved as per MDG Water (3 rungs)

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme MDG Definition   With access   Sewer connection   Septic tank   VIP/improved pit   Without access   Shared facilities   Unimproved facilities   Open defecation Reconciliation with a more refined Ladder

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Comparing JMP and national definitions (after closing data gaps) MDG Definition   With access   Sewer connection   Septic tank   VIP/improved pit   Without access   Shared facilities   Unimproved facilities   Open defecation

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme National Definition   With Access   Sewer connection   Septic tank   VIP/improved pit   Shared facilities   Unimproved facilities   Without Access   Open defecation 52% Differences due to differing definitions 80% MDG Definition   With access   Sewer connection   Septic tank   VIP/improved pit   Without access   Shared facilities   Unimproved facilities   Open defecation Comparing JMP and national definitions (after closing data gaps)

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Bangladesh puzzle 48%   Flush/pour flush to:   piped sewer system   septic tank   pit latrine   Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine   Pit latrine with slab   Composting toilet   Flush/Pour flush to elsewhere   Pit latrine without slab/open pit   Bucket   Hanging toilet/hanging latrine   Shared sanitation of any type   No facilities, bush or field UN-IMPROVED IMPROVED Disaggregation and ladder

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Can we agree on the ladder?

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme JMP's Reconciliation efforts  Campaign to fill data gaps  Through workshops,  Cooperation with NSOs  Major International data gathering/disseminating institutions (IPUMS etc.)  Through workshops (capacity building, stat+sector)  Past workshops Anglophone Western Africa (Abuja, September 2007) Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone Anglophone Eastern Africa (Nairobi, November 2007) Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe South Asia (Kathmandu, August 2008) Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal (multiple data sources) Central America (Santo Domingo, November 2008) Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama Francophone Africa (Bamako, December 2008) Benin, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme  Through workshops (capacity building, stat+sector)  Planned activities/workshops Follow-up to past workshops South-east Asia (Jakarta, April 2009) India (June 2009) East Asia (to be decided)  Through national stakeholders meetings  Follow-up to workshops (involving all actors) Bangladesh, Nepal JMP's Reconciliation efforts (cont'd)

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme  Through communication with country authorities Senegal, Madagascar Presentation in Stockholm India  Through coordination with international organizations  Use of core questions through IHSN  UNSD pilot project  Reconciliation efforts by regional commissions  Joint workshops… JMP's Reconciliation efforts (cont'd)

WHO UNICEF WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Thank you!