Hungarian folk-music
Collecting folk-music in the past
Hungarian folk-music is the name of those compositions which are present in the Hungarian culture complex with specific features.Today, over 1000 folk-songs are well- know.In 1889 Mr. Béla Vikár started collecting the Hungarian folk-music. Be-fore that there had been only unimportant collecting movements. Later Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály and László Lajtha followed in Vikar’s steps.
Thank to them, today we can listen to these folk- song s and folk-music s and they didn’t get lost. Moreover they systematized these songs. It’s due to them that the system of classification of Hungarian folk-songs was developed. It was proved that this work had been complex.
They collected and systematized about songs. Today we know about folk- music used in Béla Bartók ’s and Zoltán Kodály ’s own compositions. Kodály also introduced this kind of music in the education which is called Kodály method. Béla Bartók Zoltán Kodály László Lajtha
Collecting Folk-music today
Affter the golden age of collecting folk-music other people searched for music, and today it is present mainly in Transylvania.
Relations of Hungarian folk-music
Bartók and Kodály compared Hungarian folk- music with other folk-music. They found old style of music in central Asia and in Turkey. On the contrary Hungarian folk-music doesn’t have relation s to Finno-Ugrian.
Written by: Bartha István Fodor Mátyás