Meeting in Belgium
Fourth Leonardo Project Meeting in Belgium at the Kogeka 4 School in Geel
Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania (Hunedoara and Baia Mare), Slovenia, Spain,Turkey (Gülsehir and Avanos)
Teachers and students of visiting countries
Coordinator Meeting: Fixing the dates for the visits next year (16-22 Sep 2012 Slovenia, Oct 2012 Bulgaria, March 2013 Spain, May 2013 Austria)
Writing the in progress report for the National Agency:
Engineers meeting: Microcontroller Project Work Mounting of the Circuit devices on the PCB/AD-DA converters and the modules Finalizing the schemes Creating the PCB of the DC,step and servo motor modules.
Student Workshop: programming robots
Company visit: Audi Brussels
Kogeka 4 school in Geel: welcome and presentations about the school, about Belgium and its political system
Tour through the school
Sightseeing Programm: Visit to Brussels
European Parliament
City Game Bruges
At the seaside in Blankenberge
Teachers Dinners
Bowling Evening
Farewell Evening with beer and fries, music and dance
Many thanks to the organisational team: Dirk, Thomas and Dorien, you did a great job.