First Ceramics Project! Altered Vessel
Your Assignment Create a vessel (cup, vase, bowl, etc.) built out of coils or slabs – I will teach you how to do both. Create an altered surface, handle, extremities, and/or other addition This addition must be something realistic, not abstract.
Altering the Handle
More altered handles
Adding Textures
Alter the surface to resemble an object (or objects)
(This is too simple, but just an idea on how you can add to the surface and play with glazes)
You can choose a loose interpretation of a vessel, more of an orifice or hollow space
Addition on the inside
Refresher steps for coil-building Create your sturdy base out of a slab ¼” – ½” thick – NO THINNER! Otherwise it will crack or break completely. Roll out your first coil, about as thick as one of your fingers. Score the base, add a good amount of slip, and place the coil on the base. Score the coil onto the base on the outside, and smooth on BOTH the outside and inside. Continue by scoring the top of each coil, adding slip and then your next coil. Score, smooth, and repeat.