Welcome to Art Class Open House September 2, 2015 Grades 1,2,3 September 3, 2015 Grades 4,5,6
Meet Mrs. Baumgardner Earned a BS in Art Education at Edinboro University certified to teach k-12 Art Earned 25 credits at Mansfield State College –Masters in art education program Earned 32 credits in the Graphic Arts Program at Westmoreland County Community College Studied in Italy an 8 week program in Italian Art History and painting and drawing classes on location Of my 22 year teaching career, this is my 16th year of teaching with GLSD I’ve taught in all three elementary schools. Most recently this is the start of my 9th year at Baggaley. Website Information- -
Expectations Try Your Best Respect Raise your hand to speak Follow directions the first time Clean up what you mess up Listen and think Share materials and ideas Remember your manners Stay in your seat Attitude
Art Education Units K-6 Drawing and Design Painting Printmaking Clay and Sculpture Fiber Arts Art Classes meet 1 time every 6 days for 40 mins. The goal of our program is to foster a lifelong appreciation of the visual arts. The students will gain knowledge of the elements and principles of art, techniques, historical background, and integrated concepts using the following media : Students grow and advance each year in each unit of study. Example: Clay Unit K- small clay slab with texture 1- pinch pot 2- slab mold shape 3- animal sculpture or other hand build 4- combination project, slab and hand building 5- coil pots 6- teacher’s choice advanced clay project or sculpture
Permanent Art Collection Each year our 5 th Grade representatives choose three pieces of art from the Latrobe Art Center to bring to the school. The entire school votes on which to keep for our permanent collection.(supported by the Art Trust) Our Permanent Collection is housed in the library. Permanent Student Art Collection Each year two pieces of student art from the year are chosen for our student collection. 3 rd Grade Symposium All third graders in GLSD attend to create and explore art! Four local artists lead the students in activities. Funded by -Rodgers Foundation. January at the CSC Elementary Art Show May 2016, at the CSC Each student will have a piece of art in the show. Art Gala This is a community event to support the arts and to present the newest additions to each art collection in the district. Nov. 5, 2015 Open Art Room 5 th and 6 th Grade Tues. thurs. Morning starting in October.
Home –School Connection Help needed!! Volunteer Opportunities: Hanging Art in the Halls preparing for the Elementary Art Show ( over 700 works to prepare). Helping to hang and tear down the art show Mounting and Tagging student art work Donating Needed Materials Styrofoam egg carton Old jewelry pieces, game pieces, puzzle pieces, Buttons, plastic lids(small) Junk!! Use your best judgment Thank You for attending!