Clay Clay Coil Pot Coil Pot
How to make a coil pot
Step A Wet Clay Create a Base Flatten out a piece of clay and cut out a base
Wet Clay Step B Coil think play dough worm
Step C Wet Clay Slip and score Both the coil and the base (or where ever you are placing the coil
Step D Leatherhard Add texture! Leatherhard (firm but damp) Press or scratch into the surface
Pencil eraser
Bisqueware Step E Underglaze Paint on colors Bisqueware
Step F Bisqueware Glaze (clear) Draw a line ¼ inch from the bottom all the way around your piece use a paint brush to brush on glaze above the line Do not glaze the bottom! (that’s what the line is for)
Clay stages Wet working clay Leather hard Firm but damp Greenware bone dry, ready for d kiln, FRAGILE Bisqueware Fired once Ceramic completed glazed pot
Steps to remember Build Leatherhard Greenware Fire Bisqueware Base, coil, slip and score Leatherhard Firm, but damp Add texture Greenware Bone dry- ready for kiln Fire Bisqueware Fired once Underglaze Glaze
Project Use the coil method to create a pot Must be at least 4in tall Must have at least 2 different textures Must be able to hold water Examples
Vocab Ceramics-made from clay and fired Pot-made from clay
Clay Stages Leatherhard-Firm but damp (good time to add textures Greenware-bone dry, ready for kiln, FRAGILE Bisque-pot that has been fired once
Firing Fire- Running clay in the kiln hot enough to fuse particles Kiln-Furnace where ceramics are fired Underglaze-liquid color clay (painted on) Glaze-liquid that turns to glass in the kiln (painted on)
Building Slab-building with flat pieces of clay Coil-building with play dough like ropes of clay Handbuilding- building potter with your hands Wedging-squishing clay to work out air bubbles Slip and Score-scratching and watering clay to attach pieces Texture-the surface quality (how it feels)
Steps to remember Build Leatherhard Greenware Fire Bisqueware Base, coil, slip and score Leatherhard Firm, but damp Add texture Greenware Bone dry- ready for kiln Fire Bisqueware Fired once Underglaze Glaze
Last semester