How are you?
My name is…
My name is Brian Lawrence Wenninghoff.
My Chinese name is…
My Chinese name is 大强.
You can call me…
You can call me Brian.
You can call me Brian or
You can call me Brian or 大强老师.
Today we are going to talk about two things.
Today we are going to talk about two things. 1.
Today we are going to talk about two things. 1. My rules ( 我的规则 )
Today we are going to talk about two things. 1. My rules ( 我的规则 ) 2.
Today we are going to talk about two things. 1. My rules ( 我的规则 ) 2. Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 )
My rules ( 我的规则 )
1.Be quiet!
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! If you are not quiet…
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! If you are not quiet we will go talk to your head teacher.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! If you are not quiet we will go talk to your head teacher. ( 我 们去看你的班主任.)
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen!
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! If you do not listen we will…
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! If you do not listen we will go talk to your head teacher.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! If you do not listen we will go talk to your head teacher. ( 我 们去看你的班主任.)
My rules ( 我的规则 ) THIS MEANS NO SLEEPING!!!
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. If I see your cell phone I will take it for 2 days.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music. If I see you listening to music…..
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music. If I see you listening to music I will take it for 2 days.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music. 5.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music. 5.No playing. ( 别玩.)
I love
I love
What do I love?
If you ask questions.
If you ask questions. If you answer questions.
If you ask questions. If you answer questions. I WILL GIVE YOU POINTS.
If you ask questions. If you answer questions. If you are quiet.
If you ask questions. If you answer questions. If you are quiet. I WILL GIVE YOU POINTS.
If you ask questions. If you answer questions. If you are quiet. If you listen.
If you ask questions. If you answer questions. If you are quiet. If you listen. I WILL GIVE YOU POINTS.
If you get 500 points…
If you get 500 points you get to see a movie.
If you get 1000 points you get to see a second movie.
500 points = ?
500 points = 1 st Movie
1000 points =?
500 points = 1 st Movie 1000 points = 2 nd Movie
Each week, if your class is #1 you get a prize.
Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 )
Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 ) I said my name was Brian.
Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 ) I said my name was Brian (or 大强.)
Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 ) I will tell you more about myself.
Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 ) I will tell you more about myself. Then you will introduce yourselves to me.
Self Introductions ( 自我介绍 ) I have a younger brother and a younger sister.
I am from the USA.
I am from the state of Missouri.
I am from the city of Kansas City.
Kansas City has a baseball team.
Kansas City has a football team.
Kansas City has a soccer team.
Kansas City has good music.
Kansas City has good museums.
Kansas City has very good food.
In university I studied
civil engineering.
In university I studied civil engineering ( 土木工程 ).
In university I studied civil engineering ( 土木工程 ). I graduated in 1999.
In 2000 I came to China for the first time.
I came to teach English.
In 2000 I came to China for the first time. I came to teach English. I arrived in Yantai ( 烟台市山东省 ).
Yantai is a beautiful place.
I love Yantai.
I lived in Yantai for one year teaching English.
But in 2001 I returned to the USA.
There I worked as a civil engineer.
But in 2001 I returned to the USA. There I worked as a civil engineer ( 土木工程师 ).
But in 2001 I returned to the USA. There I worked as a civil engineer ( 土木工程师 ). There I worked for nine years.
I love traveling.
I’ve traveled to Brazil ( 巴西 ).
I’ve traveled to Botswana ( 博茨瓦纳 ).
I’ve traveled to Turkey ( 土耳其 ).
I’ve traveled to many countries.
In 2010 I came to Changsha.
I was a teacher at 长沙市第十五中学.
In 2010 I came to Changsha. I was a teacher at 长沙市第十五中学.
And now…
And now I am your teacher at 长郡.
So I love traveling.
I also love playing soccer (football).
I also like playing tennis.
Now I want you to introduce yourself! Tell me 5 things about yourself. Tell me who you are. Tell me where you’re from. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you don’t like. Tell me something interesting about yourself. Tell me anything…
Now I want you to introduce yourself!
Tell me 5 things about yourself. Tell me who you are. Tell me where you’re from. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you don’t like. Tell me something interesting about yourself. Tell me anything…
Review 复习
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.What is rule #1?
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet!
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.What is rule #2?
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen!
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.What is rule #3?
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.What is rule #4?
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music.
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music. 5.What is rule #5?
My rules ( 我的规则 ) 1.Be quiet! 2.Listen! 3.No cell phones. 4.No music. 5.No playing.