Elvanfoot Broadband Amanda Burgauer
Why Fibre? Single infrastructure with full capacity for broadband services and applications - not just “surfing”! High speed Data and Cloud access Telephone service Distance learning Telecommuting and Video Conferencing
More why Telemedicine Security Video services Stimulate economic growth and job creation, local services Improve utility operations, energy management, smart grid apps
Feasibility Backhaul provision in area Elvanfoot 60 connections... need 700 for sustainability, e.g. Glencaple and Lowther Network operations Network development Operating revenues
Feasibility continued Operating Expenses CapEX Potential customer base/ service area Service Penetration Network Infrastructure
Feasibility includes Network Deployment Service Offerings.. not just internet Financial base model Develop capital budget Develop operating budget - revenues/expenses
Feasibility - vehicle Company structure Project capitalisation Debt service schedule Feasibility Study Deliverable by October 31, 2012 Build starts Spring 2013