BAI Dianyi China National Institute of Standardization Jun. 27,2011 1
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1 IN CNIS there are two departments doing related work: Sub-institute of Fundamental Standardization Sub-institute of Standardization Theory and Education CNIS is a non-profit and national research body on standardization OUR vision in education and theory research is to establish the discipline of Standard Science 5
Main Fields of Our Related Research Main Fields of Our Related Research 2 Focus on: the principle and method of standardization, the standardization theory, the standardization education 6
Three Subjects since Feasibility study for construction of the discipline of Standard Science 2 Study on the improvement project of Standardization Education and the discipline construction 3 Study on establishing knowledge System of Standard Science
Some Results and Conclusions What is the Standard Science ? a discipline which focuses on the principles and methods of standardization, as well as Standard mechanism, by taking standards and standardization activities as the research object research contents include standards standardization activities the impacts of standard and standardization to the technology, economy and society
The Ideal Model of Standardization Education School (Formal) education Offer Courses Primary / Middle School University Junior college / Undergraduate / Master / Doctorate Setting up majors Double degrees Professional master / doctorate Off campus Non-regular education Short-term training Qualification certification Informal education Media, etc.
Standardization Methodology Standardization Methodology method for choosing technical content method for document drafting method for implementation method for Process control 1 It is one part of the knowledge System of Standard Science, and is necessary to make standardization an independent discipline. 2 It is a comprehensive system composed of approaches, procedures and measures, which guarantee that the issued standards can be implemented and achieve the purpose.
The Knowledge System of Standard Science Include the knowledge about the answers of what why and how to do it in standard and standardization
The knowledge system of standard science Knowledge System of Standard Science Concept and Common knowledge definition of the Standard Science concept system about standardiz ation Classification of Standard function of Standard Standardi zing Organizati on Internati onal Standar dization History of Standar dization Basic theory standar d develop ment procedu res standard drafting rule conformity assessment procedures methodology Principle of Standar dization Standardizati on methodology method for Process control method for choosing technical content method for document drafting method for implementa tion improving the suitability of products, processes and services variety control Interopera bility and compatibili ty health and security resource utilization and environme ntal protection preventing barriers to trade and committee, facilitating technological cooperation Trade Innovati on IPRs Laws and technical regulation s Applied technology knowledge machinery, textiles, chemicals, metallurgy electronics, telecommunic ations, information Packaging, storage, transportation Agriculture, Food Architecture Knowledge of specific field Knowledge of specific standards Conformity assessment Evaluation about the function and effect Contribution rate of the economy
3 Promote standardization education in China with relevant sectors Compile and publish teaching material Build a platform for exchanges and cooperation in standardization education 13
Promote Standardization Education in China with Relevant Sectors The Ministry of Education: Promote standardization education into the national education system Professional master: To make standardization a major in the master of engineering Equivalent educational level applying for masters degree: the direction of standardization China Association for Standardization: Develop vocational training program Cooperation on training and certification of technical personnel (standardization engineers) qualification training
3 Guides for the Drafting of Standards Rules for the structure and drafting of standards and adoption of international standards Basic knowledge of Standardization It will be one of a series of textbooks in next 5 years Standardization methodology To be published in Compile and Publish Teaching Material 15
3 3.2 Compile and Publish Teaching Material Basic knowledge of Standardization Q&A a series of books with the theme of Standards steps in your home". China Standardization Development Report since 2006, report and analyze the standardization development in China International Standardization Development Report since 2008, report and analyze the standardization development worldwide 16
Build a Platform for Exchanges and Cooperation in Standardization Education organize workshops, seminars and forums Standardization Discipline and Education Workshop CNIS-IEEE Standards Education Workshop CNIS 2011 Workshop on Knowledge System of Standard Science
3 International exchange and cooperation Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Pennsylvania State University TU Delft …… Microsoft; QUALCOMM; Siemens ICES ISO\IEC\ITU IEEE\ANSI\NIST\ KSA\BSI\DIN APEC EURAS International exchange and cooperation 3.3 Build a Platform for Exchanges and Cooperation in Standardization Education 18
Standardization education & training consult and service 3.3 Build a Platform for Exchanges and Cooperation in Standardization Education Serve curriculum consult and program design for universities and schools Provide teachers and teaching materials both in education and professional training program Design and offer the perfect course for enterprise about standardization Standardization education & training consult and service
CNIS will dedicate to theoretical research and educational activities of standardization as great as ever. We will try our best to contribute to the building of Knowledge System of Standard Science, and to make Standard Science to be an independent discipline in the future. CNIS is looking forward your support and cooperation. 20