You don’t have to study in a vacuum, but try filtering distractions and interruptions out from your study environment. Don’t be afraid to ask people in advance to leave you alone while you’re studying. Try to reduce noise and visual distractions to a reasonable level. If you can’t, consider a different place to study.
2. SEPARATE WORK & PLAY Study in a different place than where you hang out or sleep - a separate study room, a library, a classroom, or a coffee shop. Clearly designating one place for work and another for play can prevent unnecessary procrastination and distraction. For this same reason try to keep work and sleep separate - don’t study in bed.
3. ORGANISE YOUR AREA Make sure you have everything you need at your desk within reach, so you won’t have to get up in the midst of studying for a pencil or highlighter. Create a one-ring folder binder per subject. Include a revision checklist, an example of a marking scheme & past exam papers in the folders. Use colour coded dividers to separate out the materials.
4. UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER Ok, you may not want to literally unplug it - you’ll probably be using it to study. But find a way to unplug yourself from online distractions - log off from social networking and chat on your computer and phone, or use a service like Cold Turkey to block these for you.
5. THINK ABOUT YOUR POSTURE Posture is important, especially when spending long hours studying. You don’t need a perfect chair, but at least use a chair. If you find yourself aching after an hour of studying, consider switching positions or seating.
6. TAKE REGULAR BREAKS Realise you’re only as productive as your brain is - and it needs regular breaks to work at full capacity. A simple time management method is to work for 30 minutes, take a 2 minute break, and resume work. Use a timer, take it seriously, and see how it works for you. Different timing works for different people, but it’s important to remember to take breaks from any studying: stretch or walk around, and return to work with a clearer mind.
7. SET A STUDY SCHEDULE Find time that works for you during the week, and give yourself set times to study. A schedule can be useful for breaking down a big assignment - like reading an entire book - into smaller and more manageable pieces: a chapter every other day. Once you write a schedule, stick to it.
8. BE CONSISTENT If you study well in a library or at home, keep studying there. Don’t switch study places, especially close to an important deadline. Avoid drastic changes to your study area unless necessary - don’t give yourself any new reasons to be distracted.
9. REMIND & MOTIVATE YOURSELF Fill your space with things that remind you about tasks and motivate you to complete them. Use a calendar to make sure you keep deadlines and important dates and a simple to- do list to prioritise tasks and get things done. Also, find small tokens and images that will motivate you; maybe a picture, or college acceptance letter will provide a bit of necessary encouragement in the middle of the night before an exam is due.
10. PERSONALISE IT Do you study better with your back to any windows? Or facing them? Do you like the complete silence of noise-cancelling headphones or listening to light music? The best study environment is one that is personalised to how you study. Make it your own, and keep modifying it until it’s perfect.