South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Our families feasted on turkey and all the fixings!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program It was standing room only!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Look who is serving up the pie!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program What a feast!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Mr. Smith welcomes families for our program.
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program We are welcomed and the program begins.
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Mrs. Barnabe is ready.
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program
Don’t they look talented and engaged?
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Native Americans and Pilgrims!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Turkeys!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program All that talent on one stage!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program What a show!
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program After the performance, Mr. Smith gives Mrs. Barnabe flowers as a thank you.
South Shores School’s Thanksgiving Feast and Program Good food, good fun, and good music…just another way South Shores is opening the door to the future!