Christmas Traditions
How does your family celebrate Christmas? Christmas is a holiday that is enjoyed by many people all around the world. People celebrate Christmas with traditions, old and new, that make the season special. As you view these slides, think about your family and if they practice the traditions that are presented.
In some homes, people celebrate Christmas by decorating a pine tree with bulbs, lights, and other ornaments.
Other people like to send Christmas cards to friends and family members.
Many people hang stockings to be filled with gifts and candy.
Exchanging presents is an exciting part of Christmas for most families.
In some homes, mistletoe is hung in doorways and people who walk under it with another person are supposed to give one other a friendly kiss.
Nativity scenes are set out as a decoration for some families to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Red poinsettias add a touch of color to some homes during the Christmas holiday.
Music fills the air for many families when Christmas carols are sung.
Sitting out cookies and milk for Santa Claus is a must in some households.
For many children, sitting on Santa’s lap to ask for Christmas wishes is important.
Attending church services is also an important tradition for families.
Sitting down to a hearty meal of turkey, ham, and all of the trimmings is a tradition families enjoy.
Traveling to another city or state to spend Christmas with family is something many families do each season.
Finally, some families just enjoy spending time together during the holidays.
How do you and your family celebrate Christmas?