This Week’s Announcements Nov. 13 – Nov. 19
New Building Project $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $0 $15,975 $9,025 36% Remaining $5,000 64% Committed Total Project $5 Millions One Time Commitment $178, people committed Total Project $5 Millions One Time Commitment $178, people committed
Looking for Youth Coaches! Need 3 couples to be youth coaches to help coach and mentor our youth. If interested, pick up application at Xf. Kung Meng Yang’s office.
No Children Allow to touch Music Equipment Please do not allow your children to touch/play with music equipments (Drums, Microphones, etc.) on stage.
Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away Need100 turkeys! To Distribute to Non-believers on Sunday, November 20, 2011 Please come and sign up to donate turkeys If you have any friends, families who are non-believers, please do let us know or see N Nyaj Xyooj. Bring donated turkey on Sunday, 11/20/11 by 12:00pm.
Thanksgiving Potluck 11/23/2011 6pm – 8pm at Church All members are invited to come and celebrate God’s goodness, faithfulness, mercy, and love for us this year. Please bring a disk to share!
Xav Tau Ib Cov Tswjkab & N. Ua Mov Peb xav tau ib co Tswjkab & N. Ua mov rau xyoo 2012 Yog nej leejtwg tseem tsis tau tuav ib teg dejnum nyob hauv church qhov no yog ib qho Vajtswv hu koj los pab Caw peb cov ntseeg nej mus sau nej lub npe nram qab pab rau tes dejnum no
Worship Training Next Saturday 11/19/2011 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. at church All worship teams please attend this training
Life Groups Meeting Today Zone Leaders & Life Group Leaders Meeting 10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. at Kx. Pajntxawg’s House
Today 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. “The Importance of Money for Christians” By Kx. Pajtxawg Xyooj All Men Are Invited!