15-05-0083-00-0400 Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.


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Presentation transcript:

Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Suggestions for Improvement of the IEEE WPAN Standard] Date Submitted: [January 19, 2005] Source: [René Struik] Company [Certicom Corp.] Address [5520 Explorer Drive, 4th Floor, Mississauga, ON Canada L4W 5L1] Voice:[+1 (905) ], FAX: [+1 (905) ], Re: [IEEE documents: 02/474r2 (January 16, 2003, Slides 5-6), (July 23, 2003, Slides 4-6), (November 11, 2003, Slides 6-9)] Abstract:[Suggestion for Multicast Support in IEEE b Low-Rate WPAN standard.] Purpose:[Assist in improving the IEEE WPAN standard (Draft D18).] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P

Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 2 Multicast Addressing Proposal for Draft IEEE bWPAN Standard René Struik, Certicom Research

Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 3 Multicasting Support (1) Destination Addressing fields: ::= | Short destination addresses: Ordinary destination addresses: 0x0000 – 0xFFEF (65,520=65, addresses) Logical destination addresses: 0xFFF0 – 0xFFFF (16 multicast addresses) Filtering incoming frames by device B: Check on B’s long address; Check on B’s (short address, PANId) combination Check membership multicast group: (1)Multicast enabled iff DestAddr=0xFFXY; (2)Membership test succeeds iff B is member of ‘XY’ multicast group Notes: Multicast ON/OFF decision does not require introduction of separate multicast bit Membership test: matching ‘XY’  G (set of groups B is member of) Set of logical destination addresses fixed (i.e., meaning centrally determined)

Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 4 Multicasting Support (2) Destination Addressing fields: ::= | {option indicated by 1-bit multicast indicator} Short destination addresses: Ordinary destination addresses: 0x0000 – 0xFFFF (65,536 addresses) Logical destination addresses: 0x0000 – 0xFFFF (65,536 multicast addresses) Filtering incoming frames by device B: Check on B’s long address; Check on B’s (short address, PANId) combination Check membership multicast group: (1)Multicast enabled if multicast bit set; (2)Membership test succeeds iff B is member of DestAddr multicast group Notes: Multicast ON/OFF decision does require introduction of separate multicast bit Membership test: matching DestAddr  G (set of groups B is member of) Set of logical destination addresses not fixed (i.e., meaning decentralized)

Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 5 Multicasting Support (3) Motion 1: Use one of the bits in the presently ( ) reserved fields in the Frame Control Field in MAC Header as multicast bit indicator (0: multicast OFF; 1: multicast ON). Proposal: take bit b7 of the FCF for this purpose (since this is on octet boundary, thus leaving b8-b9 reserved).

Submission January, 2005 Rene Struik, Certicom Corp.Slide 6 Multicasting Support (4) Motion 2: Structure logical destination address as follows: Addressing fields: ::= ::= | {option indicated by 1-bit multicast indicator} ::= implicit: coordinator | | | {option indicated by 2-bit addressing mode} ::= “Atoms” (end symbols in grammar): ::= 16-bit address ::= 64-bit address ::= 16-bit PAN address ::= 1-octet field {this allows 256 groups with same group source}