1 Birmingham LIGO Gravitational Wave Observatory Replicate 1 TB/day of data to 10+ international sites Uses GridFTP, RFT, RLS, DRS Cardiff AEI/Golm
2 CABig: Cancer Bioinformatics Grid Integrate software and services across more than 50 sites Uses Introduce, RAVi, MDS, GSI, GAARDS, Core
3 DOE Earth System Grid Enable sharing & analysis of high- volume data from advanced earth system models Uses RLS, MDS, GridFTP, GSI
4 NSFs TeraGrid l TeraGrid DEEP: Integrating NSFs most powerful computers (60+ TF) l TeraGrid WIDE Science Gateways: Engaging Scientific Communities l Base TeraGrid Cyberinfrastructure: Persistent, Reliable, National Enable user access and gateways across NSF domains Uses GRAM4, GridFTP, MDS, GSI, OGSA-DAI, and others
5 Open Science Grid Enable common infrastructure for DOE applications Uses GRAM2, GridFTP, GSI, +
6 Fusion Grid: TRANSP Service Represent Fusion applications as services with an application-specific portal Use: GRAM2
7 NASA/NVO Mosaic What do they do Uses which pieces? Mosaic of M42 created on the Teragrid
8 l Simulates ground motions for potential fault ruptures within 200 km of each site ~ 12,700 potential ruptures in SoCal from USGS 2002 ERF l Extends each rupture to multiple hypocenters and slip models for each source ~ 100,000 ground motion simulations for each site l Enables physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis Globus-Based CyberShake Platform Conduct large-scale earthquake science sim Uses: GRAM2, GSI, GridFTP, RLS
Digital Human: Simulation of Human Arterial Tree Supported by NSF (IMAG, CI-TEAM and DDDAS) What do they do Uses which pieces?